Thursday, May 9, 2024

Nice-Sounding Liberalism Leads to a Police State, Part 2, We've Arrived!

I've been warning about this since 2014. Now, in 2024, We ARE in a Police State

In August 2014, I wrote a piece called 'Nice Sounding' Liberalism Leads to a Police State

There I warned that Leftist “mission creep” would soon be leading us to Hate Speech Police, Carbon Police and Equal Pay Police.

I guess the Equal pay police hasn’t come to past because there really isn’t any disparity in pay once you consider that women often make “family friendly” decisions about work (teaching with summer holidays) and that women are rarely found in physically demanding and dangerous jobs. How many women are slinging chains on a drilling rig floor? How many women are a mile underground mining coal? I’m sure that there are some and respect to them! Women generally make less becuase they work less hours, say, as teachers (where summers are free for family) or part-time.

But the Hate Speech Police are here in spades! Good God! Look at commie Europe, Look at commie UK and Ireland. Look at our Government and Big Tech! God help us! Just look at my recent posts. And Carbon hysteria is an absolute mania!

In August 2020, I wrote Green New Deal Scam is Part of Democrat's Bolshevik Power Grab. There I said:

 “There is now a desperate effort by Democrats to steal this election, to gain power in order to institute a Socialist (or Bolshevik) Green New Deal.  It's a huge power grab to subvert your freedoms, take your guns (of course), take over the economy through higher taxation and controlling all aspects of your life. Democrats aim is to overthrow all of your freedoms by enshrining a radical Left-wing Socialist Green New Deal. In a way, it's the Socialists last gasp, as Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and others are very elderly and on their way out. It really now or never.

This attempted Communist coup, currently underway in this country, has been gaining ground for quite a long time. The Left's agenda is really about control which slowly evolves into total control and power over your life, ie., Marxism or Bolshevism.” 

I explain in the above linked “Green New Scam” that the Administrative State is completely out of control as shown by the power grab by the EPA to basically RUN THE COUNTRY without Congress’ votes to authorize most/much of it.

…from my post "'EPA Carbon Regulation Power Grab," I talk about the unlawful abuse of the Clean Air Act by the courts to regulate an essential and natural trace gas in the atmosphere, CO2. They did this under the phony guise that trace amounts carbon dioxide is "harmful or threatening to human health" which is not true. AND NO LEGISLATIVE BODY VOTED ON SUCH A DETERMINATION (LIE).

You see unlike other gases such as man-made sulfur dioxide (which causes acid rain and are irritants to human respiration), carbon dioxide is an essential and naturally occurring trace gas now at about 0.040% in air ( still a trace gas and only up from an astounding 0.030% 50 years ago), and it's absolutely essential for all plant and crops that require it for their photosynthesis. To call such levels harmful to human or public health is a vast overstretch that must be reversed.

But it's part of creeping Socialism/Communism and a huge power grab. Notice that Left-leaning courts are all part of this creeping Bolshevism. (Add universities and schools of all levels to the institutions long-controlled by the radical Left.)

And remember Karmela’s Medicare for all pitch? It would really be MediCAID for all at first with waiting lists and substandard care, you know, like Medicaid? Then there’s the clarion call on the Left for Socialized medicine whose problems are all too clear and vividly shown by our very own Socialized Medicine at the troubled and deadly Veterans Administration:

Kamala's Medicare for all, really Medicaid-for-all, would impose all of problems at the VA for EVERYONE.  We already have true socialized medicine at the Veteran's Administration: government owned and operated hospitals for veterans. The result is always massive cost overruns and poor care: veterans have been dying due to higher rates of infection caused by unsanitary conditions and poor maintenance due to poor management. And don't forget that others are dying due to delays in treatment thanks to secret lists that delay treatment. Horror stories of poor care abound. Oh, and don’t forget the nasty black nurses with their attitude problems; ones who should be manning DMV offices to snear at us plebs.

Oh, and this poor performance is covered-up by the bureaucracy and hospital management that’ll persecute any whistle-blowers brave enough to come forward. It's really an Orwellian nightmare. And because it's "government" it can never be fixed. Socialism can't be fixed!! There's no cure for stupid or Socialism.

The end game for the Left’s nanny-state is total control and reliance on Big Brother which always turns out horrible and horrifying:

The Left’s goal is total government tyranny over every aspect of your life—because they know it all.  Of course any of this would cost a fortune and since we don’t have enough money, even after trying to raise taxes (which rarely works) to fund an even bigger government, they’ll CHEAT and get the Central Bank to “PRINT” the needed money. We’re well on our way to permanently higher inflation now.

With higher taxes, like in the UK, no one will be able to save money for retirement, so you'll become a "ward of the state" from cradle to grave (also most of Europe) where you depend on Government for your medical care and your retirement money. Then inflation caused by spending and poverty caused by wonton money printing will bring the whole thing to collapse. And if you don't like it, then you will be considered crazy like in the old Soviet Union and institutionalized in psychiatric wards. If you're conservative, you might be “accidentally” administered a lethal dose of intraveneous potassium choride (undetectable) and/or medical treatment can be withheld entirely.

Then, my post “Green New Deal Was Always a Bolshevik Power Grab: Now EV Mandates, Hostility to Nuclear, Fossil Fuels and Food Production. But Wait, There's More!

Now we have EV mandates that are suddenly fizzling as not many people want or have the money to pay TWICE as much for an all-electric car with driving limits. Also, why aren’t hybrids ok at 50 miles per gallon?

But even all of this shit is based on lies, exaggerations expounded by “researchers” that ARE ALL ENTIRELY FUNDED BY GOVERNMENT and NGOs. And most of these PhDs are full of shit without an ounce of common sense; which is why they’re desperate for government money! They’ll WRITE ANYTHING, SAY ANYTHING AND WRITE ANY EXAGGERATED OR BULLSHIT HEADLINE to get funded by government—AND ONLY government is propagating this bullshit situation. LOSERS!!

We don’t have a Climate Scare as much as we outrageous greed and lies by losers in academia and all the governments, government-funded “institutions,” NGOs, think tanks, etc. VERY FEW of these people are honest AT ALL. It’s non-stop scamming.

So based on bullshit, governments are running roughshod over our entire lives. Washington, Commiefornia and Commie-Europe want to ban various things like gas lawnmowers and gas stoves. Europe is curtailing FOOD PRODUCTION for their imagined and hysterical climate change frenzy for God’s sake. In some countries, governments are SEIZING farm land from family farms to CURTAIL vegetable production! Cow farts are under scrutiny by know-nothing government types! All life, including humans, are problematic because we exhale CO2! Culling of cows was yesterday. Culling of humans is next. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING.

Which brings me to the current day and Minister Threatens Germans With "Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban" To Meet Mandated Emissions Targets meaning that bureaucrats are targeting your mobility and freedom to drive FOR THE CLIMATE.

First we hear of “centrally planned” 15 minute cities where you’ll be trapped according to evil meglomaniac Klaus Schwab. And he’ll have his private jets to rule the world of course. He’ll be eating imported Wagyu beef while everyone else is prescribed bug meal.

All of these actions are hysterical and Neo-Malthusian understandings of our world. Yes, we will face limits of resources (and resource limits based on affordability) going forward. I’ve already written of these things and I’ll be writing more soon. But even after 10 seconds of thought, who’s embracing real, available and obvious technological solutions by the newest latest-generation and small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) for our carbon-free, highly-energy-dense power sources?

The answer: Italy!! See Italy’s Strategic Embrace of Nuclear Power: A Calculated Move Towards Energy Security. They’re proposing the use of the SMR (small modular reactors) whose design fixes basically all of the problems of the giant nuke monstrosities. Furthermore, Thorium reactors have promise since Thorium is 5 times more available in the earth’s crust compared to Uranium. These are real and very good solutions for our future needs. Oil and gas have a role to play for a long time, but they will slowly become more and more expensive as the easy-to-extract stuff is depleted.

Cow farts! Fuck off!!

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