Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ritter: Russia Not Bluffing With Nuke Drills!

[Doug here: I’ve been worried about this for some time. I’ve heard mentions from Russians in their governments talk about nuking the West if they provide soldiers, war machines and/or long-range weapons to Ukraine. This is the kind of event that Armstrong’s Socrates program has been warning for the timeframe of in and around May 7th… It’s why I’m camped-out in SE Asia: for safety.

Macron, Biden and ALL THE OTHER SO-CALLED LEADERS IN THE WEST ARE BEYOND STUPID AND ARE FAILING TO HEAR REPEATED WARNINGS; JUST LIKE THEY IGNORED THE REPEATED WARNINGS OF A UKRAINE INVASION. BEFORE IT HAPPENED. US and European leaders are brain-dead, asleep, retarded, demented, ignorant and/or drunk. There’s a cost for such ignorance and outright corruption. We might be about to see what happens when WE FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT!]

From Trends Journal:   Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector, said in an interview Monday that Russia is not bluffing NATO countries when it announced drills involving battlefield nuclear weapons if forces from the alliance join the fight in Ukraine.
Ritter told Judge Andrew Napolitano’s “Judging Freedom” that Ukraine’s frontline is collapsing and European countries have recently intensified their threats about sending their own troops to support Ukraine.
 “NATO is in a panic,” Ritter said. “[French President Emmanuel] Macron is talking about sending troops, Poland’s talking about sending troops, and Russia’s saying, ‘I don't know how many times I have to tell you, NATO troops show up on Ukrainian soil, we’re going to nuke you. We’re going to nuke you. We’re going to take you out. Not your troops in Ukraine, we're going to nuke the decision-making centers. Russia isn't bluffing.”

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday that Moscow’s upcoming drills that involve battlefield nuclear weapons should help NATO countries understand the “possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks they generate, and keep them from both assisting the Kyiv regime in its terrorist actions and from being drawn into a direct armed confrontation with Russia.”
These tests will include “tactical” warheads, which are smaller than “strategic” nuclear weapons meant to target cities, The New York Times reported.

“This is a completely new round of escalation of tensions — it is unprecedented,” Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said, according to the paper. “And, of course, it requires special attention and special measures.”

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