Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, declared that the paper will be now dedicated to the following:
We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets. We’ll cover other topics too of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.
It’s amazing that there are mass resignations at the WaPo! Editors, writers, etc are quitting in mass. It’s as if they are vampires being exposed to sunlight for the first time:
All those spoiled little brats at the WaPo, who never have done an honest day’s work in their lives, are suddenly required to be pro-USA and pro-Freedom. Here’s his entire missive:Maybe there’s a new growth industry to be had where people like the Amish, cattle ranchers, roughnecks on drilling rigs, coal miners, drill sargents offer, for pay, a (forced) “sabbatical,” or “reality training program” where parents or employers can send them (by force) to learn about real work situations where you actually must do REAL work and/or physical training for a month or two or three.These programs would be for spoiled, fat-ass brats who are having trouble adapting to reality (and don’t even know it); those who waste their days hanging out at Mom’s basement where they harass conservatives online in splendid anonymity and those who do no work or work at a no-skill “jobs”—like at Starbucks.' Yes, their heads would explode.
That’s right, up at dawn to feed the cattle, or gather the cows to be milked, or shovel horseshit out of the barn, drive a tractor to plow the field, report to work at widget factory where the shift starts at 6am. Or how about military training: up at 6 am for a 5 mile run, 100 pushups, 15 pull-ups before the sun rises?
I’ve said it before many times that FAR TOO MANY AMERICANS are living in a crazy dream world thoroughly detached from reality and an honest day’s work. That’s the WaPo team explained to a tee (and so many others)! Maybe Bezos has been getting the subsidies from USAID and now he’s not??
From Why the Left is Disconnected from Reality and Destroys Everything from Vince Coyner at American Thinker:
“The Left today are found almost exclusively in the following: government employees, students, college-educated white women working inside large corporations, Wall Street, Academia, the cabal of NGOs, the “Media,” and the 40 million who suckle on the government benefits. Few of these people do anything remotely productive for the economy.
Virtually the entire Left in this country has zero connection with anything having to do with creating anything, growing anything, building anything, or risking anything. They spend their days pushing paper in offices or selling cappuccinos, if they work at all. Not only are few of them farmers, but few are truckers, lumberjacks, steel workers, plumbers, electricians, or entrepreneurs. Few have ever had to balance paying a credit card bill versus making payroll. Few ever risked their money and invested sweat equity to start a business.”
These people don’t even Know Where Their Food Comes where I said:
In my recent and long post Economic, Cultural and Spiritual Declines Are Causing Mass Anxiety and Mental Breakdowns, I wrote that we've allowed ourselves to become divorced from our history, our culture, our heritage, our religions. It goes even further than that.
People that live and work in our big cities, the large megalopolises, the big universities and around"Government"[Leftwing “newspapers”??] are often completely disconnected from everything that is important. They don’t even know from where their food comes.
I remember Mayor Bloomberg, when he tried to get into politics, making fun of farmers when he said, "Gee, you poke a hole in the ground, and drop in a seed!" What could be easier?" But he was so tone deaf that even New Yorkers didn't vote for him.
First, he has no idea of how difficult and risky farming is. He has no idea how hard farmers have to work to make a living. It's said that farming is the only profession where you have to buy "inputs" at retail prices and sell your product at wholesale prices.
Bloomberg and millions of others in the New York city area, and on both coasts, are basically parasites, feasting on the fabulously wealthy financial system.
Most people who live around and work in “government,”universities, big Media, big Tech, show business, government think tanks, NGOs, the Federal Reserve usually are amazingly ignorant, full of their academic and/or Marxist theories, full of leftist propaganda and frankly full of shit. There, they can be and often are completely wrong about everything for all of their lives and never have to face any consequences.
I think consequences are just starting for a lot of people. One can hope.
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