Thursday, June 10, 2021

Fauci Lied About Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc and Vitamin D Cocktail Too.

In my post Fauci Lied While Millions Died: The Utter Fraudulence of Tony Fauci, it turns out that Fauci's "guidance" during the COVID pandemic situation has been worse than is known for a long, long time. Not only did he play a role in the actual "engineering" of the COVID 19 virus itself by supporting and funding the Wuhan lab and then lying about "gain of function" studies there, he also lied about the relatively favorable effectiveness of the Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc/Azithromycin cocktail and it's effectiveness compared to Gilead's Remdesivir. Remdesivir was barely effective at all.

Worse, the media lied and blared false information about Hydroxychloroquine by claiming that it was "dangerous" to use even though the drug has been widely used in many parts of the world for malaria treatment safely for 65 years. There are very few reported side effects. It's not "dangerous."  Our journalists propaganda outlets are dangerous. Our politicians are very dangerous. Fauci is dangerous. China is extremely dangerous!

Just as a recap, from Fauci Lied While Millions Died: The Utter Fraudulence of Tony Fauci:

"... .Tony Fauci was just another sleazy federal bureaucrat - deeply political and often dishonest. More shocking than that we then learned that Fauci himself was implicated in the very pandemic he'd been charged with fighting."

"Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible."

Fauci's emails collectively show that "from the beginning, Tony Fauci was worried that the public might conclude COVID had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

"Why would he be concerned that Americans would conclude that?" Tucker asked. "Possibly because Tony Fauci knew that he had funded gain-of-function experiments at that very same laboratory."

"The emails prove that Fauci lied about this under oath," said Tucker, who highlighted an email from scientist Christian G. Anderson to Fauci, saying that he and his fellow scientists felt the virus looked 'potentially' engineered, and that members of his team "all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory."

First of all, he lied about the "gain of function" research that HE HIMSELF knew about, but he also failed to support the Covid treatment cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin/Zinc as being reasonably effective in many, many studies, especially for early treatment and even prophylaxis treatments.  For a terrific summary of all the studies about Hydroxychloroquine, have a look at this website:  Hydroxychlorquine for Covid-19.  It's really comprehensive and it summarizes 305 studies now. Most studies show effectiveness, especially early use, even though most didn't study the full cocktail of Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Azithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine.  That full cocktail was what Trump was advocating.

Fauci's Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Cocktail

Why did he lie about Hydroxychloroquine??  Why did he approve Gilead's Remdesivir almost immediately instead?   

Have any journalists asked Fauci about how many shares of Gilead stock he holds??  Of course not, because we have the dumbest, wokest (another word for dumb) journalists propagandists who are integral to our country's lie-machine: DNC, CIA, Deep State Controlled Media Outlets who protect the corrupt people in our government ---and worked to punish Donald Trump!!

From my post Beware the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex: the Remdesivir vs HCQ Scam in July 2020:

Even after only small improvements in mortality and hospital stays, Dr. Fauci and the FDA immediately made Remdesivir the "standard of care" on April 29th  ignoring the large number (92 studies--at that time-- a year ago) of quite positive HCQ cocktail results and it's very low cost. The "standard of care" announcement guarantees the expensive Remdesivir is used first across the nation.  The US government was immediately obligated to buy that drug at $3200 for a course of treatment. The cost of the hydroxychloroquine cocktail is less than $100.  Remember, nearly all of the NIH executive staff hold Gilead stock.

It's almost seems as if Dr. Fauci, the FDA and the National Institute of Health were all influenced by big moneyed lobbyists or big-moneyed Pharmaceutical companies?  Also, maybe they were influenced by the possibililty of under-the-table kickbacks, plus rocketing Gilead share prices to benefit all those people with Gilead shares to allow Gilead to make $Billions???   Who would have thunk it??

I don't know if you've been following Chris Martinsen at Peak Prosperity, but I have and I trust his information. He said:  "I’ll tell you what. If this is me, and I am me, and I end up getting this thing, I am going to want Zinc plus Hydroxychloroquine plus Azithromycin. I would want that treatment.” — Chris Martenson, PhD"

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a classic case of corruption, the influence of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex on the government and non-government organizations. The result is the needless death of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who suffered from the Covid-19 virus and could have received the safe and readily available HCQ++.  And for what? For corruption, money, stupidity and to spite Trump (Trump derangement syndrome).

1 comment:

  1. There is not a night that goes by that I miss Tucker Carlson. NOT. 1. SHOW. It would have to be a flat out emergency. I don’t even take phone calls when his shows is on. And in the last week Tucker has fully indicted Dr lying-ass-piece-of-shit, Fauci.


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