This is an ongoing series of posts consisting of "short takes" of notable events that are occurring under our noses that indicate or inform about how our country and world is falling apart. I say this is an ongoing series because events are happening almost daily now. And it's anyone's guess when dramatic events occur so that everyone will be able to see that we're in complete crisis.
Note that the highlighted titles in bold and underlined
are hyperlinks to the relevant articles or posts.
1) Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising,
From that post, I indicate that 14.5 million illegals (overwhelmingly Hispanic) cost our country $133.7 Billion per year (from FAIRUS). That works out to be $9,241 NET COST per year per illegal (every man, woman and child).
Statutory miniumum wages in their home countries are very low: $7 per DAY in Mexico, $10 to $13 per DAY for the other countries in Central America. Democrats want YOU to pay them $15 per HOUR and allow these people take jobs from US citizens.
2) Blacks and Hispanics Are A Net Cost to America from R. Faulk at The Alternative Hypothesis
From Robert Faulk at The Alternative Hypothesis, in his post Fiscal Impact by Race in 2018, he works the numbers to calculate the estimated net contribution of each race by the amount of government cost and services consumed by race vs. tax revenue by race. The overall spending and revenue data includes State, Federal and Local tax revenue and spending from 2018. Here are his results:
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Estimated Fiscal Impact by Race in $Billions per Year |
He's calling the White Population to be about 59% (190 million persons), Hispanics are now 18% (60 million), Blacks are 13% (44 million), Native American 1.2% (4 million), Mixed Race 2.75% (9 million) and Asian is about 6% (19.5 million). All of this population data is confirmed by
The net cost of Blacks is $666 Billion. Per Black person, it works out to a net COST of $15,136 PER YEAR PER BLACK PERSON (Men, women and children). This "deficit" shows to what extent Blacks in America live in state of "custodial care." I'm sure the cost of housing a million black prisoners is not included in that cost figure, so it's likely even worst.
The net cost of Hispanics is $334 Billion. Per Hispanic Person, it works out to be a net COST of $5667 PER YEAR PER HISPANIC PERSON (Men, women and children).
For comparison, the net cost of Illegal Immigrants from my post 1) Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising above is $9,241 net COST PER YEAR PER ILLEGAL (men, women and children).
This data nominally may show why Latino and Black nations rarely thrive economically and usually collapse repeatedly. Whites and Asian people and nations usually thrive and support high levels of civilization--just like in Europe, America and East Asia.
3) California Has the Highest Level Poverty in the US From Public Policy Institute of California
Speaking of a failure to thrive, from MSN: "California has the highest level of functional poverty in the U.S., according to U.S. Census Bureau data. The Census Bureau reported that of California’s roughly 40 million residents, an average of 18.2 percent have been impoverished during the three preceding years.
Using a similar methodology as the Census Bureau, the institute created a California Poverty Measure, which calculated the poverty rate at 17.8 percent and near-poverty rate at 18.5 percent. Slightly more than 36 percent of California’s residents are at or near the poverty level, more than one third of its population.
California’s rate is three times higher than Iowa’s rate of 6.8 percent (mostly White persons, go figure?), which is the lowest in the nation. It’s also notably higher than its neighboring states’ poverty rates of 13.7 percent in Nevada, 12.8 in Arizona, and 11.1 in Oregon."
White people in California are a minority, so I thought it might be interesting to see how race that affects poverty levels. The racial breakdown of California population is approximately 40% Hispanic, 36% White, 15% Asian, 6% Black, 2% mixed or other (not quite 100%). I doubt these numbers reflect the large illegal immigrant community in this "Sanctuary State."
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Poverty Rates After Safety Net Programs by Race/Ethnic Groups |
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Poverty Rates by California County |
The largest social safety net programs kept an estimated 7.0% of Californians out of poverty in 2018:
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Affect of Various Safety Nets On Poverty: Not including Social Security |
4) A Post That Has Aged Very Well: America's March to 3rd World Status, Then Collapse from July 2016
The key takeaway is that we've reached a point where the politicians care not one bit about the good of the country and are only focused on their own benefits and agenda of personal gain. This is what happens in dramatically collapsed countries like Venezuela and Argentina.
Zero interest rates are destroying Capitalism itself and any hope for the future. Insane academicians at central bankers all around the world are running rampant destroying savers, pensioners, pension funds, insurance companies and capitalism itself. And it appears that they created a new mandate to support the stock and bond market to protect elites!!
In the next crisis, [We're Still in the Ongoing Financial/Economic "Emergency"from 2008] these insane and destructive central bankers will start wholesale money printing to buy (monetize) government debt as the economy fails and tax revenues collapse. The final collapse will be an inflationary collapse like we're seeing in Venezuela!! The Federal Reserve should have already been reformed or eliminated by now to prevent this. But again, nothing is done. Oh, how far we've fallen. [THIS APPEARS TO BE HAPPENING NOW.]
Obama and the Left started a class war, a war on business, a war on police and a race war. They want to promote dissent & conflict to justify "emergency" measures then "emergency powers." We're already very close to financial and social collapse. Sounds like Chavez and Maduro to me. [This nonsense and MORE indicate that we're in the 3rd Term of Obama, are we not?]
Other observations and evidence of our descent into 3rd world status:
- Law and order no longer exists in this country whether you're talking about immigration law abuse, or even the normal function of our Constitutional government.
- We've learned that you're now protected if you're one of the connected "elites" as easily demonstrated by Hillary's abuse of office and abuse of our national security. The media is complicit in a cover-up of this situation. Sounds like the Politburo in the old USSR. Because it is!
- The Left is control of the media outlets to the extent that it is clearly propagandistic. Truth is hidden. Real journalism is dead. It's sad because Democracy depends on a robust and independent media. Instead, we're well on the road to tyranny.
- Leftists control college curricula and are indoctrinating our impressionable young people into Leftist principles. It's paid off as large numbers of millenials support Socialism and Bernie Sanders. It shows how ignorant our graduates are. They have never been taught how Socialism destroys societies. Journalism schools are apparently teaching nothing but Leftism judging by the bias of our media outlets.
- Skyrocketing debt is direct threat to our republic. It's even worse then it looks due to the ongoing entitlement demographic crisis
- Meanwhile, the population is being kept distracted by iPhones and they are being subsequently manipulated by Google and Facebook--always toward The Left of course.
- Ever bigger and wasteful & counterproductive Govt. is the rule, despite the fact that everything related to government function is failing and/or wasteful and/or counterproductive.
- The prosperous are falsely attacked of 'not paying their fair share" but it's a total lie. The top 40% is paying nearly ALL taxes. But prosperous people must be vilified to "extract" and "confiscate" more of their money. Think Chavez once again. The failing government needs more and more money--other people's money. All to redistribute to the most unworthy people to buy votes.
- Moves to disarm the population leaving only the elites with gun protection. Think Venezuela and Mexico right now!
- Vilifying prosperous people even though prosperous people make the right choices, do the right things. All to extract or confiscate money to redistribute to unworthy people who do the wrong things, make all the wrong choices. It's really about buying votes.
- Open borders is a long term ploy to indiscriminately allow large numbers of the most unsophisticated and poorly-educated immigrants from the poorest, most violent countries in Central America and make them "grateful" for the Leftist party and vote that way. It's all about buying votes. It's an outrageous scam and it's being covered-up by MSM.
- The Left not only destroys societies but destroys private markets like the government takeover of the US health insurance market (Obamacare). Refusing to change it even though it has only helped 2% while the remaining 98% suffer. Media covers-up the disaster.
- Income inequality is rising, poverty at new highs despite our supposed "recovery"and all the handouts.
- Politicians and the government are bought and paid-for by various interests. There's a unholy alliance between Big government and Big Business. This results in favored cartels including the Military-Industrial complex, the healthcare insurers, drug companies and the "saved" big banks. It's all about money. The good of the country is not a primary concern.
I couldn’t agree more with your entire article. I’ve said for years that while folks pay in more taxes, and the black race, that disgusting piece of shit race, cries, mewls, pitches conniption fits over the slightest little inconvenience. They would starve to death without my race. These black ass bastards took over running there own Nation, South Africa,
ReplyDeleteAnd, in less than 10 years they ran it right into the ground. Vice, graft, embezzlement, kick-backs etc etc. all of these are like it’s bred into the vast majority of them. They have stolen the rails that trains ride on!! Unbelievable!! IIlam Mercer lays all this out in her book titled, INTO THE CANNIBALS POT. I’ve read it.
It truly indicts the “ Black-Nigger Race._