This Orca (and that's an insult to Orcas), is obviously a huge problem for herself and everyone else.
They need to chase-out all those 'niggers-of-all-colors' from ANY "university" positions.
out-of-control, indiscriminate govt student loan fiasco has vastly
inflated tuition costs, the cost of textbooks and inflated a vast, new,
university administrative bloat of crazy-ass women/men and
niggers-of-colors at these schools. Then they bring all these nigger
"lecturers" who AFFLICT students with their bullshit/dumbass ideas.
government student loan disaster has also allowed massive numbers of
dumbass kids to be admitted to "colleges" that have been turned into
glorified high schools to "accommodate" the dumb kids--many/most of the
black/latino persuasion-- who should have never have even graduated high
school!! These kids go into debt so they take the glorified
high-school-level (or lower) "gender studies" or "black studies" SO THAT
THE UNIVERSITIES CAN 'CASH IN' all of that loan money! Then these
"schools" hire even more idiot nigger administrators and on and on!
most of those indiscriminate loans, especially those given to
minorities, WILL NEVER BE REPAID because these "college kids" aren't
college material and weren't even high school level!! They MIGHT even
get a "degree" but are un-employable; especially in our hollowed-out
economy that has also been destroyed by "government."
Dear G-d, could it get any worse? Insanity heaped onto insanity.
"Government Ruins Everything." The entire Federal Colossus needs to burned to the ground 'Javier Milei" style.
it might even be that Washington DC is literally nuked in a war THAT
THEY CREATED and ends all of the various govt charades, malfeasance and
destruction---by itself being utterly obliterated. Of course that'll
wipe out only ONE of our own black "Gazas," ie., the huge population of
DC nigger scumbags. Oh, and please Mr Putin, don't forget to nuke the
evil CIA in Langley while you're at it!
top left: riverside street vendor, my local (un-airconditioned) gym,
Wat Preah Prom Rath, Riverside, Independence Garden, Pub Street
Kulen National Park
National Park is about 50 kilometers outside of Siem Reap and is the
home of a Buddhist temple in a dramatic setting atop the highest area of
the park. Click here for a handy visitor guide with more info and pictures.
As always, click any image to see larger images:
Kulen Mountain with a Buddhist Temple on top
Wat Damnak, Downtown Siem Reap
Wat Damnak, Siem Reap
The Four Brahmavihara:
four brahmavihārā originated in Hinduism, but Buddhists have adopted a
similar version found at Wat Damnak in Siem Reap. The meaning is
something like the following (from wiki):
Loving-kindness is active good will towards all;
Compassion results from metta, it is identifying the suffering of others as one's own;
joy results from metta: is the feeling of joy because others are
happy, even if one did not contribute to it, it is a form of sympathetic
Equanimity: is even-mindedness and serenity, treating everyone impartially.
Words to live by.
My palatial Airbnb apartment in Siem Reap:
Na Apartments: my one month rental in Siem Reap. It's relatively new
construction and has high ceilings, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, decent
or (“high integrity”) is an entire basis of culture/civilization. If
your behavior and thoughts are based on an honor code: respect, honesty,
giving others their due, doing what's right---then that is the basis of
society. We have our 10 commandments, the Japanese have their
honor/respect "code" and both countries have deep 1000+ year
histories—ours dates back to the Magna Carta, Anglo and Northern
European culture and their accumulated intelligence. All this came to
When you have a homogenous, intelligent
population and culture, like in early America or in Japan (and
Cambodia!), that is steeped in a deep and successful history, then you
really need very few laws and regulations. That's because people behave
according to their internalized “code” or “Natural Law” and
self-regulate. That was true for much of America’s early history.
The laws of nature, natural laws, do not need to be written down, or commanded by the State, as simply
understanding that one cannot do any harm to another, or infringe on
another's life, property, and freedom, is a sufficient understanding of
right and wrong.
Now, I’m finding out that
Cambodia’s culture has a high honor culture (like Japan), but is found
in a very poor country that has suffered a murderous genocide by Pol Pot
ending in the late 1970s. I think it’s still recovering. Even now,
Cambodia only has 17 million persons where Thailand has 60 or 70 million
people. Some say about 8 million Cambodians were executed for nothing
by the Khmer Rouge. Today, it’s actually one of the poorest countries
that I’ve ever visited. I took a long ride in the countryside and could
see that the soil is very poor and nearly all sand. Not much grows in
And I feel the desperation of locals here in Siem Reap who
are struggling to make ends meet during the “low season” or summer
But, despite all of that, the beauty of their culture shines though brightly and has already affected me deeply. So much for the idea that being poor means high criminality. It’s not necessarily true.
High Honor Countries Will Never Be a Police State like the USSA
place is a very safe Buddhist country. There is hardly any local
government and I haven't seen a police officer here either—maybe a
security guard?
Law" rules here due to this region's deep culture and history. Hell,
they don't even have very many traffic lights here as traffic just "self
regulates." There are some on the bigger streets obviously. I've seen
12 or 14 year olds on motor bikes and I don't see a problem with that
given the modest traffic. It's a beautiful thing even though this is a
poor country. It's what I getting at that recent post on natural law.
In the local streets, most locals just ignore stop signs and just slow
down as necessary. They don’t need for anyone to “keep them safe.” THEY
are responsible.
I was walking down the street and it had rained
just enough to wet the pavement. I heard something and noticed that
someone had just had a motorcycle accident and was still laying in the
street. It didn’t look good. It turns out it was a teenage girl and she
was banged up and she had a scrape and some blood on her face even
though she had a helmut. She was pretty shocked, banged up and was still
under the motorbike.
What I noticed was, that the scene was
immediately taken over by vigilant Cambodian MEN. They appeared out of
nowhere, checked to see the extent of her injuries and then MEN helped
her up and recovered her motorbike. The girl was immediately was aided
and protected by Cambodian MEN.
Imagine that, men being men!
It’s men that are naturally protectors and providers and they know who
they are and what they are. There are no bullshit gender confusion here.
Everyone is super nice, but when a need arises, they leap into action!
More beauty!
Cambodia’s High Honor Culture is Deeply Affecting Me and Others
Here in Cambodia, my heart is touched daily by beautiful, kind people.
example, I was wandering around after having a great ham, egg and
cheese bagel sandwich here in Siem Reap (and an outstanding slice of
carrot cake!!) at the “NY Bagel Shop.” I had the absolute best
conversation with this black American guy, named Gary Barker; my age
(same birth year and same birth month —Aug 1957!), I think he’s
ex-military and he’s fallen in love and married a beautiful Cambodian
woman. It's all happened for him in a matter of months of coming here.
We shared our Whatsapp contact information.
Later, after visiting the nearby Buddhist temple and monastery (see the pics here),
I walked back to the Bagel shop and decided to take a Tuk Tuk back to
my apartment. So, the young-ish Tuk Tuk driver came over and touched my
arm, and lightly guided me across the side-street to his vehicle in such
a respectful way. He was taking care of me! I felt it. As he mounted
his motorbike, I forget what I said to him, but he said "I always say a
prayer for my riders before I start the trip."
I was kind
of speechless to be honest as this dude could not have been more caring
and considerate. Maybe he considered me quite elderly? Even driving me
to my apartment, he was very careful about his driving (even though on
Saturday, there’s light traffic). I think that's his style: CARE-ful.
It was only a 5 to 10 minute drive at slow
speed. I got out and I paid him the $1 dollar fare, but I gave him an
extra small amount of money specifically for his prayer for my
well-being. He was grateful for even my small gesture and we were both
smiling at each other. I didn’t need to speak Cambodian at that moment.
Lol. I’m often “glowing” here at what I see and feel.
In my post Pictures From Siem Reap Cambodia,
I show some pictures that I took at Kulen Mountain national park. I
had arranged a tuk tuk trip there and back with Phan. The road there was
really rough in spots (and my back has been sore since then).
of integrity, everything that my driver, Phan, told me was true. He
suggested that he buy my $20 ticket to the park. I asked, “do you get a
commission?” and he said “yes, $1.” It was entirely true. Now for the
embarassing and shocking part: he had told me the night before that the
cost of the day trip was “50” for his transport service. I thought that
he meant 50,000 riels, not $50 USD (which IS common parlance). He meant
$50 USD all along. He was shocked when I handed him 4 times LESS than
he needed!
He showed me the cost of the round trip on the
Grab app and it was what he said or about $50 USD (roundtrip). I
realized that I needed to pay him the $50 USD and I gave him a $12.50
tip. This guy was HONEST about everything.
He was counting on this fare to keep his family fed and to pay the loan
on his Tuk Tuk. He was entirely honest and upfront. So far, I’ve only
met honest people! No trickery.
Like I said, it’s a high honor or high integrity culture.
after time, I find my heart full of love for the people here. It's
changing my life so much. My beautiful interaction with the (very
happy) American guy Gary, and some very nice Whatsapp msgs, followed by
the extreme kindness and respectful Cambodia tuk tuk driver kind of
lifted me to cloud 9. But wait, there’s more!
Later, I took an
hour long Tuk Tuk tour of some other areas of Siem Reap starting at
about 5:30 pm from a driver named Ratha. I had bought 6 cans of beer
and some ice as he had a cooler under the seat, so off we went to go to
look around in the open "wagon" pulled by a motorcycle ( which is a Tuk
Tuk in local terminology). I had a couple of beers and when we finished,
we shared the remaining beers sitting in his parked vehicle, not far
from my apartment.
At about 8:45pm, I walked a couple hundred feet
to a little restaurant for a bite to eat. I had been to this modest
little restaurant one other time. The same lady did some laundry for me
in her adjacent little shop.
So I said a few words to this 19 yo
Italian guy sitting alone at the restaurant. I exchanged a few
pleasantries and he came closer and sat down for conversation. This
young man was some amazing person, traveling on his own. He had been in
Thailand, but was in Siem Reap to see Angkor Wat. What a great, great
guy! Holy crap! What an amazing and pleasant interaction! He was so
courageous and intelligent. I was so impressed. It made my night. The
food was great too and only $2 or $3.
Good things are happening all the time here.
My One Year Retirement Visa for Cambodia
few days ago, I went into a travel agency to discuss arranging a 1
year retirement visa and booked an appointment for later that day.
went back with a bunch of documents in my phone including my monthly
benefit letter from the Social Security admin (generated from the SSA
website and saved on my phone), a passport photo (jpeg), a picture of my
passport. They needed the address of my accomodation which I had as
well. We exchanged phone numbers and Whatsapp info.
make a long story short, they submitted my details to their office in
Phnom Penh while in their office, I paid the fee and they'll have my
passport back to me in ~7 days with the visa. I have a receipt from the
company showing my money paid. It's legit, of that I have no doubt. It’s a high honor, high integrity country!!
now I have the option to get an apartment and stay, or come and go as I
wish. At the barest minimum, I consider Cambodia to be my “bug out”
location to avoid possible calamity in The West. You know that I
believe it’s coming.
couple of happenstances occurred to me recently. A friend of mine,
Morris, who is learning Japanese, were talking a few months ago and he
was telling me that the Japanese have a "high honor"culture. That notion
stuck with me and I continue thinking about it ever since since it’s so
Now here in Cambodia, I’m seeing their “honor”
culture. For example, the very first morning here, I went to Siem Reap’s
riverfront in the morning to get a coffee at one of the street vendors.
I went to a young guy who served me a great cup of iced coffee for a
little more than one dollar. I sat down on one of his chairs overlooking
the river. I also noticed that he was exceptionally courteous and
He asked me if I my coffee was sweet enough and I
said “a little more please.” He remembered my preference the next
morning. That first morning I offered him about a $0.50 tip for the $1
coffee. He respectively refused to take my tip when I paid him. He said
that it was “too much.” This really got my mind going. I was thinking
about such a thing where he turned down my money on principle. I thought about “honor” and culture again.
(I keep going back to his stand for coffee and I’m happy to report that he accepts more modest tips. )
emailed a friend in Houston about my trip and I mentioned this
encounter. He asked me in reply, “is he nuts?” This is basically how I
I was thinking about your comment "is he nuts?" I
think the answer is an important one: that the street vendor must have
an "honor code" that he learned from his culture or parents (or both).
The more that I thought about it, the more I realized that "honor" is an
entire basis of culture/civilization. If your behavior and thoughts
are based on an honor code: respect, honesty, giving others their due,
doing what's right---then that is the basis of society. We have our 10
commandments, the Japanese have their honor/respect "code" and both
countries have deep 1000+ year histories—ours dating back to the Magna
Carta, Anglo and Northern European culture and their accumulated
intelligence. All this came to America.
My street vendor was
using his sense of “right and wrong” that’s part of his, Cambodia’s,
culture and code of honor. It must be the same or similar in Japan. Then
I thought of US cultural history up until the late 1800s.
you have a homogenous, intelligent population and culture, like in
early America or in Japan, that is steeped in a deep and successful
history, then you really need very few laws and regulations. That's
because people behave according to their internalized “code” or “Natural
Law” and self-regulate.
The beauty, simplicity, and justice, of natural law
is a thing to behold. It harms no one, and protects everyone; this the
essence of freedom. Nothing else is necessary concerning man's
interactions with man, as natural law is based upon the
premise of doing no harm to another, no use of force against another,
and no infringement upon another or his property. Natural laws alone are
the only laws necessary.
The foundation and
justification of natural law is centered on truth, honesty, and exacting
justice, without any bias or undue force in the process. Each
individual has to be responsible for upholding natural law. This can be
done independently or with a collective of individuals working together,
so long as any and all seeking and protecting justice, do so
voluntarily, and without any evidence of coercion. There cannot be any
shifting of blame in order to avoid guilt, dishonesty, or power-seeking
in any legitimate free society, but of course, a society of this nature
is simply peaceful anarchy, strictly based only on natural law.
The laws of nature, natural laws, do not need to be written down, or commanded by the State, as simply
understanding that one cannot do any harm to another, or infringe on
another's life, property, and freedom, is a sufficient understanding of
right and wrong. With this knowledge in hand, why then are hundreds of thousands (or more) 'laws' made arbitrarily by this heinous government?
think this sort of "natural law" was in force in the colonial days and
into the Jefferson administration and onto the late 1800s. Christianity
and Judaism, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the
Ten Commandments were our first "Honor codes" and codified our Natural
law with nearly no central government. That and a 1000 year old common
history and heritage.
There was a miniscule central government and
no central bank before 1913, when Income Taxes and a US Central Bank
were established.
With the establishment of Income Taxes
and a Central Bank, all hell broke loose.
In the first 10 years of it’s
creation, the “Federal” Reserve allowed massive inflation where consumer
prices went up 110% from 1913 to 1921, while Income top tax rates went
from 1% to 70% to fund the US Government’s involvement in Europe’s World
War I. Then came very sharp economic Depression in 1920. See my post 1913 Income Tax and "Federal" Reserve Acts Were Immediately and Massively Destructive. Note that top income tax rates never went down until JFK and Reagan.
the Federal government was miniscule until WWII (and really through the
1950s). But since then, you could correctly say that the Federal
Reserve AND the Income Tax Acts of 1913 were, and continue to be,
responsible for our increasingly bloated and war-loving government for
more than 100 years.
Despite all that, our European heritage
(ethics, ‘honor,’ common culture) was our cultural gift that kept paying
dividends in prosperity and increasing standards of living. Back then,
the US was 84% White persons of mostly EUROPEAN heritage. US blacks had
their separate neighborhoods and communities and they had their own
neighborhood schools and their own ‘culture’ and a significantly
different ‘honor code’ of sorts.
Someone decided that that
all that “whiteness” had to end!
It was Democrats That HAD to end it. In 1965, they
literally voted to reject our cultural heritage of traditional
Euro-immigration —to turn this entirely successful trend upside down to
prefer ANYONE BUT Europeans; meaning mostly brown and black-skinned and
definitely NOT European.
They did it because they knew that, in Marxist thought, where you DON'T have a deep, homogeneous,
highly evolved and intelligent population with a culture and honor,
then you need ever more government, zillions of laws, lawyers and AND
MORE CONTROL. Really, the blessed, peaceful “Natural Law” had to go! All of our success left little room for Marxist infiltration, so….
see, if your society is diluted by un-intelligent, uncultured and/or
un-educated and/or uncivilized people who have no code of conduct and
morality, then you need laws---zillions of them and more lawyers. And
that's where the USA is at and it keeps getting worse due to the full-on
"white replacement"effort by our evil Democrats and supra-national
forces of evil.
The “Great Replacement” that began in
1965 has now "gone exponential" with open borders, alien invaders from
disparate places with minimal education, and from primitive cultures
that are MUCH inferior to ours. This was and is being done on purpose
both here and in Europe.
Now, the entirety of Western Civ is
being destroyed in front of our eyes: Sweden has a bombing and rape
problem now after 1000 years of peace and tranquility. London has it’s
knife attacks and Islamic leaders, pro-Palestinian protests where you’re
not allow to carry a British flag. England doesn’t even look English
now. Free speech is a thing of the past in Germany and the UK.
Manchester has it’s Sharia Law and a shocking Islamic sexual
predation—the grooming of children into pedophilia that is known and
organized. The police look away. This is why Tommy Robinson is being
continally persecuted by the “authorities.” Crime has overtaken entire
continents now. Ireland and Scotland have fallen.
Really the UK has fallen. Germany is in the hands of totalitarians
again—in a New Normal Reich where all types of speech is prosecuted.
witnessing the suicide pact of Western Civilization destruction—
orchestrated by shadowy elites like Davos elites, the Gates and
Rockefellas of the world and, of course, the WEF. The
path forward is only decay, decline, disruption, war, more debt,
bankruptcy —all due to DISHONOR—the intentional dishonoring of our
cultural heritage and it’s preservation like Japan has done.
I warned that Leftist “mission creep” would soon be leading us to Hate
Speech Police, Carbon Police and Equal Pay Police.
I guess the
Equal pay police hasn’t come to past because there really isn’t any
disparity in pay once you consider that women often make “family
friendly” decisions about work (teaching with summer holidays) and that
women are rarely found in physically demanding and dangerous jobs. How
many women are slinging chains on a drilling rig floor? How many women
are a mile underground mining coal? I’m sure that there are some and
respect to them! Women generally make less becuase they work less hours,
say, as teachers (where summers are free for family) or part-time.
the Hate Speech Police are here in spades! Good God! Look at commie
Europe, Look at commie UK and Ireland. Look at our Government and Big
Tech! God help us! Just look at my recent posts. And Carbon hysteria is
an absolute mania!
is now a desperate effort by Democrats to steal this election, to gain
power in order to institute a Socialist (or Bolshevik) Green New Deal.
It's a huge power grab to subvert your freedoms, take your guns (of
course), take over the economy through higher taxation and controlling
all aspects of your life. Democrats aim is to overthrow all of your
freedoms by enshrining a radical Left-wing Socialist Green New Deal. In a
way, it's the Socialists last gasp, as Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and
others are very elderly and on their way out. It really now or never.
attempted Communist coup, currently underway in this country, has been
gaining ground for quite a long time. The Left's agenda is really about
control which slowly evolves into total control and power over your
life, ie., Marxism or Bolshevism.”
I explain in the
above linked “Green New Scam” that the Administrative State is
completely out of control as shown by the power grab by the EPA to
basically RUN THE COUNTRY without Congress’ votes to authorize most/much
of it.
…from my post "'EPA Carbon Regulation Power Grab," I talk about the unlawful abuse of the Clean Air Act by the courts to regulate an essential and natural trace gas in the atmosphere, CO2. They did this under the phony guise that trace amounts carbon dioxide is "harmful or threatening to human health" which is not true. AND NO LEGISLATIVE BODY VOTED ON SUCH A DETERMINATION (LIE).
You see unlike other gases such as man-made sulfur dioxide (which causes acid rain and are irritants to human respiration), carbon dioxide is an essential and naturally occurring trace gas now at about 0.040% in air ( still a trace gas and only up from an astounding
0.030% 50 years ago), and it's absolutely essential for all plant and
crops that require it for their photosynthesis. To call such levels
harmful to human or public health is a vast overstretch that must be
But it's part of creeping
Socialism/Communism and a huge power grab. Notice that Left-leaning
courts are all part of this creeping Bolshevism. (Add universities and
schools of all levels to the institutions long-controlled by the radical
And remember Karmela’s Medicare for all pitch? It would
really be MediCAID for all at first with waiting lists and substandard
care, you know, like Medicaid? Then there’s the clarion call on the
Left for Socialized medicine whose problems are all too clear and
vividly shown by our very own Socialized Medicine at the troubled and
deadly Veterans Administration:
and this poor performance is covered-up by the bureaucracy and hospital
management that’ll persecute any whistle-blowers brave enough to come
forward. It's really an Orwellian nightmare. And because it's
"government" it can never be fixed. Socialism can't be fixed!! There's no cure for stupid or Socialism.
end game for the Left’s nanny-state is total control and reliance on
Big Brother which always turns out horrible and horrifying:
The Left’s goal is total government tyranny over every aspect of your life—because they know it all.
Of course any of this would cost a fortune and since we don’t have
enough money, even after trying to raise taxes (which rarely works) to
fund an even bigger government, they’ll CHEAT and get the Central Bank
to “PRINT” the needed money. We’re well on our way to permanently higher
inflation now.
With higher taxes, like in the UK, no
one will be able to save money for retirement, so you'll become a "ward
of the state" from cradle to grave (also most of Europe) where you
depend on Government for your medical care and your retirement money.
Then inflation caused by spending and poverty caused by wonton money printing
will bring the whole thing to collapse. And if you don't like it, then
you will be considered crazy like in the old Soviet Union and
institutionalized in psychiatric wards. If you're conservative, you
might be “accidentally” administered a lethal dose of intraveneous
potassium choride (undetectable) and/or medical treatment can be
withheld entirely.
we have EV mandates that are suddenly fizzling as not many people want
or have the money to pay TWICE as much for an all-electric car with
driving limits. Also, why aren’t hybrids ok at 50 miles per gallon?
But even all of this shit is based on lies, exaggerations expounded by “researchers” that ARE ALL ENTIRELY FUNDED BY GOVERNMENT and NGOs.
And most of these PhDs are full of shit without an ounce of common
sense; which is why they’re desperate for government money! They’ll
HEADLINE to get funded by government—AND ONLY government is propagating this bullshit situation. LOSERS!!
don’t have a Climate Scare as much as we outrageous greed and lies by
losers in academia and all the governments, government-funded
“institutions,” NGOs, think tanks, etc. VERY FEW of these people are
honest AT ALL. It’s non-stop scamming.
So based on bullshit, governments are running roughshod over our entire lives. Washington,
Commiefornia and Commie-Europe want to ban various things like gas
lawnmowers and gas stoves. Europe is curtailing FOOD PRODUCTION for
their imagined and hysterical climate change frenzy for God’s sake. In
some countries, governments are SEIZING farm land from family farms to
CURTAIL vegetable production! Cow farts are under scrutiny by
know-nothing government types! All life, including humans, are
problematic because we exhale CO2! Culling of cows was yesterday.
Culling of humans is next. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING.
we hear of “centrally planned” 15 minute cities where you’ll be trapped
according to evil meglomaniac Klaus Schwab. And he’ll have his private
jets to rule the world of course. He’ll be eating imported Wagyu beef
while everyone else is prescribed bug meal.
All of these actions are hysterical and Neo-Malthusian understandings of our world.
Yes, we will face limits of resources (and resource limits based on
affordability) going forward. I’ve already written of these things and
I’ll be writing more soon. But even after 10 seconds of thought, who’s
embracing real, available and obvious technological solutions by the
newest latest-generation and small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) for
our carbon-free, highly-energy-dense power sources?
Just now, Germany announces it’s ready to send 35,000 troops to Ukraine
which is red-line for Russia. It was announced just 5 hours ago at
11:30 PM May 6th. May 7th is Putin’s inauguration day. It’s already
May 7th here in Asia.
I’m relying heavily on the only sage and experienced analyst that I
trust: Martin Armstrong. I’m mostly relaying warnings from him on what
we’re up against. He’s the only person online who is issuing stark
No one is going to be perfect in predicting the
future, but take a look at one of the most influential newscasters in
Russia issuing a stark warning of armageddon (that almost certainly is
approved by the Kremlin.) The video warning below is from Armstrong Economics).
Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned
that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to
‘inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,’ it will result in Armageddon.
Of course, what I find stunning is how the Western press characterizes
him as “Vladimir Putin’s propagandist,” and the implication of those
words is that they are not a real threat. The press takes NOTHING said from Russia seriously – it’s all a joke, just propaganda.
think that you should pay closer attention in case you need to evacuate yourself to your chosen “bug-out”
location. It may be a false alarm, but are you going to risk it????
Are you going to risk you or your family? It may take longer to play
and it’s a false alarm, but maybe it’s not. Look, maybe I’ll have egg all over my face for relaying these warnings, but I think we’re close to something big.
[Doug here: I’ve been worried
about this for some time. I’ve heard mentions from Russians in their
governments talk about nuking the West if they provide soldiers, war
machines and/or long-range weapons to Ukraine. This is the kind of
event that Armstrong’s Socrates program has been warning for the
timeframe of in and around May 7th… It’s why I’m camped-out in SE Asia:
for safety.
Macron, Biden and ALL THE OTHER
brain-dead, asleep, retarded, demented, ignorant and/or drunk. There’s
a cost for such ignorance and outright corruption. We might be about
to see what happens when WE FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT!]
From Trends Journal: Scott Ritter,
the former UN weapons inspector, said in an interview Monday that
Russia is not bluffing NATO countries when it announced drills involving
battlefield nuclear weapons if forces from the alliance join the fight
in Ukraine.
told Judge Andrew Napolitano’s “Judging Freedom” that Ukraine’s
frontline is collapsing and European countries have recently intensified
their threats about sending their own troops to support Ukraine.
is in a panic,” Ritter said. “[French President Emmanuel] Macron is
talking about sending troops, Poland’s talking about sending troops, and
Russia’s saying, ‘I don't know how many times I have to tell you, NATO
troops show up on Ukrainian soil, we’re going to nuke you. We’re going
to nuke you. We’re going to take you out. Not your troops in Ukraine,
we're going to nuke the decision-making centers. Russia isn't bluffing.”
Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday that Moscow’s upcoming
drills that involve battlefield nuclear weapons should help NATO
countries understand the “possible catastrophic consequences of the
strategic risks they generate, and keep them from both assisting the
Kyiv regime in its terrorist actions and from being drawn into a direct
armed confrontation with Russia.”
These tests will include “tactical” warheads, which are smaller than “strategic” nuclear weapons meant to target cities, The New York Times reported.
is a completely new round of escalation of tensions — it is
unprecedented,” Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said,
according to the paper. “And, of course, it requires special attention
and special measures.”
actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the
pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been
utilized countless times throughout periods of civil unrest, and while
the media has repeatedly denied that Soros and other far-left funders
are backing these protests, the evidence is in plain sight. (now think
back to violent BLM protests, the planned Charlottesville protest to
“stain” Trump, “J6” protests with zillions of gov’t agents embedded
using ‘imported/paid” Antifa activists to create a violent ruckus. Gee, is ANYTHING REAL in this country? The answer is NO.)
CNN reported that many of the “students”arrested
at Columbia and City College of New York had no affiliation with either
school. The New York Police Department arrested 282 people, and only
148 (a bit over half) were actually students.
Take a look
at the tents popping up across all major universities – they are
identical. The media claims that students are simply searching for the
cheapest tent, which appears to be the two-person Ozark Trail option at
Walmart, which retails for around $30. However, it seems suspicious that
hundreds of students purchase the same tent coincidentally. A lot of
these privileged college kids in Ivy League schools are not known for
sorting by price. It is more probable that an organization purchased
these tents in bulk and distributed them on college campuses.
are also receiving instructional booklets on how to protest. Why is
everyone wearing COVID-era masks? They have been directed to conceal
their identities to stay anonymous, as “it can help if the entire crowd
is doing it.” They are told to bring two sets of clothes and conceal any
logos or identifiable items.
Officers are reporting uniformed
supplies, and stating that they believe what is happening is not the
result of mere student organizations. Again, everyone calls them
conspiracy theorists and dismisses any claim that these events have been
manufactured to create civil unrest and divide America. So we saw
outside agitators used numerous times in recent years during Black Lives
Matter riots and even on January 6. Organizations such as the Open
Society Foundations openly donate to “grassroots” causes and
specifically target the youth to carry out their messaging.
As reported by Fox,
Sami Al-Arian, a known terrorist who was once deported, advised
associates and his wife to camp out along with the college students.
This man is admittedly associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
group. He has taken to social media to promote the civil unrest across
American universities. This is a clear and REAL threat to national
security. Again, these students are too naive to understand the root
cause of these issues or the truly dangerous actors fueling the flames.
Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams believes that these events
are staged. “I know that there are those who are attempting to say,
‘Well, the majority of the people have been students.’ You don’t have to
be the majority to influence and co-opt an operation. That’s what this
is about,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “We’re going to protect
our city from those who are attempting to do what is happening globally.
is a movement to radicalize young people and I’m not going to wait
until it’s done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it.”
went on to say that the goal of these protests is to create “discord
and divisiveness,” and for once, I actually agree with the guy.
is the president amid this ongoing crisis? He mumbled a few words from a
teleprompter but he should be meeting with university presidents and
law enforcement agencies. These professional agitators are manipulating
the vulnerable youth into making decisions that will prevent them from
seeking employment and stain their records.
Black Lives Matter riots heated up in May 2020 ahead of the election,
and now we are seeing that same issue play out once again where the left
is permitted to wreak havoc on the public in the name of social
Biden said he would be willing to accept Palestinian refugees into the US,
a move that no country in the Arab world has agreed to do. The
worldwide media is covering these events, but the POTUS has failed to
condemn the ongoing violence, and then you have his former handler,
Obama, publicly sending letters urging Biden to agree to a ceasefire. The
“students” are now requesting “humanitarian aid,” showing how utterly
clueless and lost they have become. Tensions are rising, protests have
turned into riots, and violence will escalate if something is not done
to promote law and order.
pro-Palestinian, antisemitic protests on university campuses across the
nation are funded by President Joe Biden’s own political donors — which
could explain why he hesitates to condemn them and won’t investigate
Biden equivocated
last month when asked to react to the protests, saying that he
condemned the antisemitism but also condemned those “who don’t
understand what’s going on with the Palestinians,” which puzzled
by NGO Monitor and others into the donors behind the protests has
turned up familiar names from the Democratic Party bankroll — including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and other liberal philanthropies.
Department of Justice has notably refused to investigate the civil
rights abuses being committed by the “encampments” — against Jews, journalists, and others — and has also refused to consider RICO conspiracy charges.
The reason may be that he does not want to subject his own political donors to investigation or embarrasment.
of the main organizers behind protests at Columbia University and on
other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are
supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
and it in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social
change. (Gates did not return a request for comment, and Soros declined
to comment.)
Another notable Democratic donor whose philanthropy has helped fund the protest movement is David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. In 2022, the fund gave $300,000 to the Tides Foundation; according to nonprofit tax forms, Tides has given nearly $500,000 over the past five years to Jewish Voice for Peace, which explicitly describes itself as anti-Zionist.
Several other groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests are backed by a foundation funded by Susan and Nick Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire — and supporters of Biden and numerous Democratic campaigns, including $6,600 to the Biden Victory Fund a few months ago and more than $300,000 during the 2020 campaign.
fact that Democratic Party mega-donors are behind the antisemitic
protests may also spur Jewish voters — roughly 70% of whom vote
Democratic — to consider changing their votes in 2024.
As Caroline Glick notes
at the Jewish News Syndicate, Biden has been obsessing over losing
Arab- and Muslim-American votes in Michigan — but there may be more
Jewish votes to lose in key swing states like Pennsylvania, Arizona,
Georgia, Nevada, and others.
is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways—at least
according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany’s top
domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018. In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam.
warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes. According to
conservative estimates from Pew Research, over the next 25
years—meaning most of the current generation’s lifetime—Europe’s Muslim
population will triple to a staggering 76 million. In fact, the actual
current and future numbers of Muslims appear to be higher, though there
are no official tallies. For example, in an earlier, 2011 study, Pew
Research found
that “The number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in
1990 to 44.1 million in 2010. Europe’s Muslim population is projected to
exceed 58 million by 2030.” Clearly 58 million in five years’ time is
more significant than 76 million in 25 years’ time.
only is mass migration responsible for Islam’s exponential growth in
Europe, but once there, the average Muslim woman has significantly more
children than the average European woman. (Doug here: in Islamic ‘culture’ they want their women barefoot and pregnant. And I’m not kidding!] “Muhammad” is taking West Europe by storm as the number one name for newborn baby boys.
his interview, Hans-Georg Maaßen said that these large numbers are
intentional, and the work of Europe’s ruling elite. For this
intelligence chief, the “great replacement” theory is no myth. The more
ideologically mixed a population is forced into becoming, the less able
it is to identify itself, much less protect any beliefs:
politicians want a different population. The political left follows the
course of the anti-German ideology. The more heterogeneous a
population, the less able it is to articulate itself and have a
democratic say. The more politics accept immigrants from other countries
as they see fit and grants them citizenship, the more politics select
the people of the state and influence the election results. These
migrants then vote differently than the locals.
pointed out how easy it would be for European governments, especially
Germany and Austria, to prevent Muslim migrants from entering their
borders—and how easy it would be to send the many criminal ones who have
already gained entry back to their countries of origin—but they refuse
to do so.
As proof, Maaßen cited a recent “migration summit” in
Germany, where he saw only “showcase politics” or “dummy politics,”
primarily focused on how to raise more money for asylum seekers and
faster asylum procedures. However, nobody, he said, seemed interested in
asking the all-important question: “Why are we letting these people
into Germany and Europe in the first place?”
This question
is especially urgent considering that every European city and region
that has a significant migrant presence has become a hellhole, rife with
violent and criminal activity. For example, as far back as 2017, an article titled, “Austrians living in fear as violent migrant gangs carry out DAILY attacks in Vienna,” reported:
and beatings are becoming commonplace in the historic capital city,
with passersby being attacked on almost a daily basis….The Praterstern
area, just outside central Vienna, is now controlled by North Africans
and is considered the worst area in the city for crime. Despite police
increasing their presence in the area it has become riddled with crime.
On the other side of the city, the area surrounding the West Railway
Station has been taken over by Afghans who have been making headlines
for all the wrong reasons…. Crimes carried out by migrants in Austria
have risen rapidly over the past year as more arrive in the country.
Last year [2016], there were a total 22,000 criminal complaints against
migrants, up from 14,000 in 2015, the Austrian Interior Ministry
revealed. Sex attacks carried out by asylum seekers has become a serious
problem in Austria, with a 133 per cent increase in migrant sex attacks
in the past year since the migrant crisis erupted. Swimming pools and
other public venues have become some of the most prevalent areas for
attacks to take place.
Indeed, as in other European nations, sex crimes—including against young boys—have skyrocketed in Austria. According to one report, “Hardly a day goes by without reports of sex attacks” at the hands of migrants.
with imposing migration, European politicians have taken other measures
to help establish and empower Islam in Europe, to the detriment of the
natives. Thus, free speech is all but gone in Ireland, after the Irish rose in anger following yet another unprovoked assault by a Muslim
(the stabbing of three small children and their caretaker). And in
Denmark, which long welcomed the mockery of Christianity under the guise
of “freedom of expression,” mockery of Islam is now strictly forbidden.
migration is only possible because nihilistic Europeans have no
motivation to halt the transformation of their continent or eject their
traitorous leaders, suggested Maaßen:
don’t know where we want to go. What should Germany or Austria look
like in 2030? We are living only in the moment, and therefore we are
losing out to others who have a religion or ideology, who know where
they want to go. We lack a mission… Mostly Muslims come to us with a
completely different awareness of culture, religion and family. In
secular Europe, religion and family — if they are still important at all
— are a matter for the individual, but in these cultures it is a matter
for the clan.
In short, “Europeans will succumb to
Islam. On the one hand, because they are unable to even see this
conflict coming, and on the other, because they are incapable of
resolving conflicts in a similar fashion.”
A higher average
intelligence of a country is a good predictor of a higher degree of
civil order and democracy, rule of law, higher levels of education,
higher levels of economic activity, and more wealth and happiness. In
other words, intelligent populations create prosperous and orderly
societies. The opposite is true. Lower intelligence populations have
disorderly societies, crime, poor achieving economies, poverty, less
democracy and unhappiness. Intelligence causes civilization -- not the inverse.
Europeans and E.Asians (and their descendants) have created the most
successful cultures the world has ever known. It's not an accident as
these populations have median IQs around 100 to 108. The remainder of the world has median IQs mostly in the the range of 75 to 89. See this map of estimated country IQs.
The difference doesn't sound like much, but a median IQ of 85 would
mean 50 times fewer brilliant persons (and 50 times more mentally
deficient) in a given population than a country with a median IQ of 100.
World Map of Median IQs from World IQ. I Wouldn't Take Any Individual Country as "Gospel" Except the Highly Tested US, EU and East Asian
It's a tale of two worlds. It's also a tale of the clash of civilizations.
starkest example of this clash of civilizations is seen by comparing
Israel with the Palestinians (and other Arabs in the region). Israel,
full of higher IQ northern Europeans, is highly advanced and developed,
prosperous, tolerant, democratic and highly civilized. The
"Palestinians", like most other Arab/Muslim cultures, have devolved.
Palestinians now find themselves locked behind walls due to their
violence, are ruled by corrupt tyrants and completely dependent on
international welfare to survive. That "welfare"creates a culture of
victim-hood and dependence which furthers their cultural collapse,
not unlike a substantial portion of US blacks. Palestinians could have
decided decades ago, on any day, to make peace and work with/in Israel
-- and enjoy the benefits of the only truly prosperous economy in that
region. Instead, Palestinians have chosen intolerance and ruin for over 100 years now.
The entire Arab/Muslim culture in N. African and the Middle East has collapsed
and a huge refugee crisis has emerged. Those "cultures" have devolved
thanks to lower IQ and Islam. Islamic cultures are extremely backward;
autocratic (like the religion itself) and weighed-down by self-imposed
factors such as poor education, the suppression of women and violence,
And there is little happiness in Islamic cultures (in the West at
least). Religion is dangerous for people with weak minds!
Their uncontrolled migration into Europe is a huge clash of
civilization and will bring huge problems to Europe. Muslims in Europe
are not integrating or adapting. They form "ghettos" of
poor people on welfare and re-create the same failed cultures that
caused them to flee to Europe in the first place!They have little to offer European civilizations in their devolved condition. Then, "welfare" causes even more cultural decline.
is "the heart of darkness" when it comes to low IQs -- with many
countries having median IQs in the 60s and 70s. Low black African
intelligence extends to the US, Latin American and Caribbean black
populations. Blacks have the lowest IQs in the world and it shows. Black
persons in the US continue to be a huge burden to the US and to many countries in Latin America/Caribbean. Haiti is easily considered a failed state, for example.
who have somewhat higher median IQs, due to historical intermixing with
Europeans (median IQ of ~89 and a higher standard deviation according
to "The Bell Curve" from 1995), are somewhat better off. But Latino
economies are still mostly backward and poor and have high levels of
crime especially in Central America.
But Latinos, with
intact families and family values, are more compatible with mainstream
US culture. Even so, large uncontrolled immigration of Latinos into
America will lower the average IQ of the US and reduce the performance
of our economy on average; with lower income and more failed governance
-- like what we see in Central and South America. Latinos fall for the
false siren call of populist politicians who bring ruin to their
countries. This is the mechanism for a large-scale decline of Latin
America and the US.
Western countries should
acknowledge that immigration of large numbers of "3rd world" immigrants
causes needless clashes of civilization and burdens to their citizens. Until
recently, the entire history of the US includes nearly all immigration
from high IQ areas of Northern Europe and it's been a source of great
success. Some countries realize this. Japan allows
virtually no immigration whatsoever and maintains a peaceful,
homogeneous society. Sweden, on the other hand, has allowed large
immigration of African and Middle Easterners in the past 2 decades and
has become the "rape capital of the West"
with higher crime and simmering unrest and resentment of ordinary
Swedes. It's a powder keg now thanks to Leftist and Liberal politicians
who are willfully blind and ignorant.
If Americans want to
preserve our successful culture then, we should mostly limit our
immigration for select immigrants based on merit. This means that more
intelligent persons from Northern Europe and East Asia, but also
exceptional people from ANY country.
Also, America could
interview and offer visas to interested PhD and Masters graduates,
especially in STEM fields, to stay in the US regardless of country or
region. Further large-scale Latino and 3rd World immigration should be
limited if we want to limit a further "clash of civilization" in
America. This is a prescription for preserving "American" culture.
Differences in group's intelligence CAUSE clashes of civilization: Homogenous populations are peaceful. “Diversity” is literally a design and ploy for cultural and societal clash/unrest, ie., Cultural Marxism
Villagers Attacked and Pepper Sprayed by Police. Conflict Over Hundreds
of ‘Unvetted Migrant’ Centres Being Planted Throughout Ireland and the
Irish government is now at war with its own people as clashes grow
between police and Irish citizens who are protesting against over
thousands of unchecked/unvetted migrants literally being ‘forced’ into
their small communities.
Government statistics show that 87%
of the migrants are intentionally destroying their passports upon entry
to avail of ‘asylum seeker’ status, therefore nobody know who these
people are and whether, or not, they have a criminal record. Furthermore,most of the migrants seeking ‘asylum status’ are from countries that have no war.
migrants are eligible for free accommodation, free social welfare, free
medical care, food, clothes, and various other perks. Whilst at the
same time that the Irish government is facilitating mass immigration
there are 14,000 Irish homeless people on the streets,
and the Irish face a very serious accommodation crisis as the cost of
renting has sky-rocketed. Make no mistake about it this could turn very
The following shocking video
of Irish villagers being attacked and pepper-sprayed by government
police is an example of what is happening throughout Ireland (and the
UK) as the Irish government, which for years has been little more than a
puppet of the EU, turns, yet again, on the Irish people. Irish people,
renowned for their friendly nature of ‘100,000 welcomes’ have in general
been very welcoming to migrants. However, now after years of blatant
‘unvetted’ migration, increased crime, and a serious accommodation
crisis for Irish people, it appears many Irish have simply had enough.
Literally hundreds of IPAS migrant centres are being ‘planted’ throughout Ireland and the UK.
The influx has coincided with an acute housing crisis that has driven
up rents and homelessness and fueled anti-immigrant sentiment. The
‘Irish is Full’ #tag has become popular, and over the pastyear there have been over 600 protests against mass immigration throughout Ireland.
The complex situation raises serious questions – where is the line drawn between:
compassion for genuine refugees of war on one hand,
‘violent police-enforced plantation of ‘unvetted unchecked migrants
that are not fleeing war’ into small Irish towns and villages’ on the
It is clear opinions on this subject vary wildly depending on your ‘politics’.
Government statistics
actually show that 87% of the applicants are destroying their passports
upon entry therefore nobody know who these people are and whether, or
not, they have a criminal record. In doing so, as part of the ‘process’
the applicants can then avail of government international protection
status, i.e., this often means free benefits, free housing, free social
welfare, free medical care, free food, etc.
The vast
majority of the migrants are not fleeing war as they are from countries
where no war is taking place. Irish people are asserting that people
arriving without a means of identification should never ever be allowed
to be free amongst Irish citizens, and that it is a huge safety concern.
Mount Kennedy, a small village in Ireland has become a focal point of
local resistance. Riot police have been deployed and there were people,
men, women, and teenage boys have been physically beaten, and an
independent media journalist was pepper sprayed just for reporting. A
local woman at the protest describes (on radio) her horrific experience
being attacked by police HERE.
addition, my contacts assert that many of the Irish police in
balaclavas that are enforcing these tactics against the Irish people are
not Irish at all, but are more akin to non-Irish hired mercenaries, or
more like an EU army. Two days ago, army water cannons
were deployed to the small village of Newtown Mount Kennedy, where the
sinister force of concerned Irish mammies and teenagers had joined the
peaceful protest, but were nevertheless left with facial wounds and
injuries due to police brutality.
More Irish towns and villages are standing against the EU / new world order plantation of Ireland. Whilst
some people are genuine refugees, it is clear that most of these
international protection applicants are unchecked/unvetted, and are not fleeing war. So, what is actually going on here?
one hand perhaps one cannot blame non-Irish people for attempting to
avail of the generous free government benefits and handouts that are
enticing many thousands of migrants into Ireland.
Irish people are extremely angry that thousands of ‘unvetted’ migrants,
almost exclusively single men, are being ‘planted’ into their small
towns and villages throughout the land without local consultation or
While the migrants are given free accommodation
in hotels and country estates throughout the land, the Irish people are
seriously struggling to make ends meet in a rigged inflationary system,
with a never-ending story of sky-high rents, high taxes, inflation, and
an ongoing extremely serious accommodation crisis.
many young Irish people are left with little option but to live with
their parents or emigrate to countries such as Australia as they cannot
afford to live in their own country! Where will pay thousands of dollars
for a visa and will work for their living. Many Irish people are
asserting ‘Ireland is full’; and are asserting that there is a funded
plantation agenda that has nothing to do with war or asylum. I note that
when Irish people emigrated in past decades to the US,
Australia, Canada and the UK, they worked hard in these countries and
received no freebies!
At the same time that the
puppet Irish government is facilitating mass immigration there are
14,000 Irish homeless people on the streets. 4,000 of those are children
so think about that, four 4,000 homeless Irish children. International
protection applicant centers Asylum centers all around Ireland are
giving the international applicants free social welfare, free housing,
free food, free money clothes, free phones, free bikes, and apparently
even cars. Read more here.
Irish Town Gets Kenyan Mayor Who Calls Irish Opposed to Mass Immigration “Terrorists.”
newly appointed African mayor of Derry in Northern Ireland has a
message for Irish patriots who oppose immigration: You are terrorists,
and you must be stopped.
WTF?? Western Civilization is Entirely White Civilization. All the others don’t get it.
socialist Lilian Seenoi-Barr called them terrorists not only last year
but also more recently on a radio program in which she denied calling
them terrorists.
And now that her original comments from last year have gone viral, leftists are blaming Alex Jones and his Infowars website for publicizing them.
Seenoi-Barr is also programs director for the North West Migrants Forum,
which bills itself as the “as the leading anti-racism charity.” Its
mission, it says, is to “transform the narratives around black and
minoritised communities through tackling prejudice and stereotypes,
normalising access to services and promoting respect, fairness, equality
and success.”
Thus, anyone who opposes the takeover of Northern Ireland by “migrants” is a de facto racist and terrorist.
is why imports should not be allowed [to] vote or be in politics,” one
user wrote. “The New mayor of Derry saying that Irish patriots are
‘Terrorists’ and that ‘we have to take Action now’ They will agitate
against the natives as soon [as] they get the opportunity.”
As for whether the protesters are a “small” group, X videos from across Northern Ireland tell a different story:
Humza Yousaf quits as Scotland's first minister
Hamza Yousaf, the Muslim First Minister of Scotland. Funny, he doesn’t look Scottish?
Humza Yousaf quits as Scotland’s first minister.
after the disastrous SNP's Hate Crime Bill. Holyrood will cast a
decisive vote on the embattled bill. Introduced just ten months ago, it
seeks to consolidate existing hate crime laws and create new offences on
the 'stirring up of hatred' against certain groups. These
proposals would make 'threatening or abusive' behaviour which 'stirs up
hatred' on the grounds of age, disability, religion, sexual
orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics a
criminal offence, punishable by up to seven years in prison, an
unlimited fine or, for the extremely unfortunate, both.
proposals have proved highly controversial and understandably so. In
our society, the term 'hatred' is malleable. It means very different
things to different people.
Then the backtracking on the ridiculous 2030 climate suicide pact:
On April 18, when the government announced it was scrapping the highly ambitious climate targets It’s flagship 2030 climate goal written
into the Bute House agreement, again with seemingly minimal
consultation with the Greens. For the Green membership, that was the
final straw.
Orwellian Hate Speech/Crime Laws and
Climate Suicide Pacts. Need I say more? The West is committing suicide
at an alarming pace.
None of these foreigner-leaders even knows who George Orwell is or that his real name is Eric Arthur Blair or have read his books.
Dumb Negress Judge in NY City says the 2nd Amendment doesn’t exist in her Courtroom
only Northern Europeans and Eastern Asians have sustained advanced and
orderly cultures. ALL THE REST have failed. The truth is everything
dies and/or fails.
populations are peaceful. Look at Japan. “Diversity” is literally a
design and ploy for cultural and societal clash and unrest, which is
what our Evil Elites want.