Sunday, September 24, 2023

Black Death: How Ghetto Blacks Are Destroying the US

US Black citizens have been raised to Sainthood status by the DNC ANC. I've written how Democrats now 'identify' as Black and are rapidly leading the nation to destruction; first in the big cities. Thus my joke about the DNC being the ANC. They're following the same Marxist playbook.

The black woman head of the NYPD released very grim (and very honest) crime statistics report that show that Black and Brown persons are responsible for up to 90% of the crime in NYC.  NYC is only 34% white, similar now to the State of California. But you read that right, if NY were all-white, shootings would drop 99%.  In other categories, Blacks commit 33 times the murders, 23 times the robberies,  and nearly ALL of the shootings.  Hispanics aren't THAT much better.  So, let's put them in charge!!  Let's indiscrimantely import millions of these people!!

So, you have to admire the honesty of Commissioner Keechant Sewell, she told the ugly truth (not unlike her predecessors). There is nothing new here at all. It's the same story all over the country in basically all the inner cities.  In a surprisingly honest report, she summarizes the criminal situation in NYC as follows:

Crime Rates as Multiples of White Crime Rate

In an important post, Democrats Identify As Black; Now We Have "Black Rule" in America, I lay out some facts:

Now that Democrats are now the party of Black; they are ruling like them! Their incompetence and totalitarian tendencies are similar to the ANC of South Africa where that country’s leadership can barely keep the electricity online. The other similarity is persecution of White S. African citizens; a 6% minority in S. Africa. See Critical Race Theory's Logical Endpoint In America: Collapse Like South Africa, Zimbabwe

See: When Blacks Are In-Charge, Part 2: Corruption, Stupidity, Crimes, Failure & Suffering. Also see  When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse

We Essentially Have “Black Rule” in America--even though they are only 14% of the population:  Democrats identify as Black now and they are governing accordingly. They have now become the “black” party complete with it’s totally destructive agenda and chaos: we’re being ruled by ‘blacks’ and their crazy-ass and braindead ideas…. It's no different in South Africa.

This black obsession is not surprising since US Blacks vote unwaveringly Democrat and give all Democrats a permanent 3 to 5% electoral advantage over Republicans come hell or high water----PLUS THE CHEATING.

Peaceful Segregation

In the 1950s and early 60s, the US was something like 85% white. Blacks were segregated in their own neighborhoods and schools. There was peaceful coexistence as the white population knew who the good and bad blacks were and they were treated or trusted accordingly. Blacks were OK as they had their own schools and even black colleges and didn't have to suffer the indignity of having to compete intellectually & academically against white kids and be constantly reminded that they were nowhere near the level of most whites. Peaceful coexistence. Black families were mostly headed by fathers similar to white families. Dad's, black and white, kept kids in check and all these dads instructed their kids in the ways of the world and how to behave. Peaceful coexistence. Lower crime (in White areas) was the result (in black areas, forget about it).

Of course, that peaceful coexistence HAD to be "fixed." Unequal educational results and unequal attainment HAD to be fixed! (Hint: they are basically unfixable.)  And it HAD to be fixed in S. Africa. Now SA is nearing a return to the Stone Age when their electrical grid fails and can't be restarted. Millions will die. Just Millions have already died in Haiti, or soon will. That's what happens when you put blacks in charge, or people who "identify" as black in charge: same results.


George Wallace said "segregation now, segregation forever." He was almost correct.

Even now, re-segregation is happening out of necessity. There is a twist though. White families are choosing neighborhoods where the High Schools are mostly white. Here's the twist: I figure that about 10 to 20% (maybe much more) of reasonably civilized, well-behaved blacks have left black ghettos and can live peacefully amongst whites. That leaves the black ghettos completely unliveable as we can clearly see.

And POC are being admitted undeservedly to colleges and funded by $trillions of indiscriminate government loan money. Very few minorities are even able to do High School academic work proficiently, so college is even more of a joke for many minorities. Even there, blacks and hispanics are now trying to segregate dorms and meeting spaces. 

It's as if there is little commonality with POC and White people and White Civilization. This of course is the big problem with many of these people.  They simply don't understand Western (White) culture and our Euro-centric heritage.  And many of these ignoramouses think that what THEY think is better than a 1000 year history of Western Civilization.

Democrats Use Ghetto Blacks to Cheat in National Elections For PERMANENT POWER

It's in these deepest, darkest ghettos where blacks are now gladly being used to cheat for the scumbag National Democrats to swing national elections in select swing states keeping scumbag Democrats in power.  By this mechanism, it is BLACK GHETTO NIGGERS who completely destroying our country.  Scumbags helping scumbags.

Ghetto blacks and Democrat scumbags ARE and WILL destroy EVERYTHING. And it won't be long before electric grids flicker off and on in our country--partly do to ignorance of ALL politicians and central planners). 

All the metropolises will be like "Detroit" and resemble burned-out shambles. It's happening in heavily Hispanic areas too in California. Walls will have to be built to contain them, not unlike many "Gaza strips" in order to contain populations where 30 to 40% are too violent and uncivilized --just like the violent "Palestinians." This is our CURRENT situation in most US Black inner cities and many Hispanic areas.

Because of dominance of incompetents and ignoramouses--of all colors, our country doesn't stand a chance. One possible scenario is where the US falls apart socially, politically and financially, where finance fails or hyperinflation completes the destruction, not unlike Zimbabwe. THE worse scenario is where America (and the EU) suffers nuclear war damage in an apocalyptic war that idiot neocons are BEGGING for. 

This is happening uninterruptedly now as the result of Black Ghetto's election cheating giving crazy neocons and giving crazy, incompetent idiots unending political power.  There will be no return to honest elections.

Once the West is obliterated, it will be Asia's turn to rise-up as the only prosperous region in the world and they will keep civilization moving forward.


  1. A comment from Unz Review comment section on the absence of Black morality:
    Having done much research on the subject as well as from personal experiences, here is my observation:
    Skin color is one thing, but here are black traits:
    (1) the observable lack of empathy,
    (2) the misguided and misapplied notion of “respect” and “disrespect”,
    (3) group dynamics involving uncontrollable impulsiveness,
    (4) the inability to comprehend the consequences of one’s actions,
    (5) violent behavior out of proportion to the threat,
    (6) the inability to look beyond the present and plan for one’s future,
    (7) the lack of exploration tendencies,
    (8) the inability to understand quantity and proportion,
    …are all ingrained in black DNA and ARE immutable traits.
    Let’s not forget that black tribal instincts demand a “strong man” form of government, where dictatorial power is meted out without a need for courts or other forms of “justice”. What the “strong man” says, goes. One’s status in black society is determined by the subject’s proximity to the “chief”. The nearer one is permitted to sit to the chief, the higher the status.
    Observe any “chimp out” (black group violence) and you will see that blacks act just like their simian relatives, attacking their victim(s) not one-on-one, but almost always as a group. Even after the victim is subdued, they continue to kick and beat their victim. Even those not initially involved in the attack “join in” and “get their licks in” as well.
    Black behavior is apparently ingrained in their DNA.

  2. I like Andrew Anglin's explanation of how blacks behave and American society's response. Paraphrasing him, violent blacks are seen as wandering holy men who can not be understood but must never be interfered with. They are morally superior to everyone else. It's our duty to bow and scrape to them and financially support them.

  3. This.
    "Democrats Use Ghetto Blacks to Cheat in National Elections For PERMANENT POWER
    It's in these deepest, darkest ghettos where blacks are now gladly being used to cheat for the scumbag National Democrats to swing national elections in select swing states keeping scumbag Democrats in power. By this mechanism, it is BLACK GHETTO NIGGERS who completely destroying our country. Scumbags helping scumbags."


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