Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hey Eric Adams, Why Aren't You Enjoying Your Small Dose of Vibrant "Diversity?"

Whatever happened to your warm embrace of Sanctuary City bullshit, Mr. Adams??

Twitter Thread From John Hayward

Sep 7 • 9 tweets • 2 min read

Every single excuse the Left gave to blow off concerns about mass illegal migration collapsed into a heap of dust as soon as the border state governors started shipping illegals to "sanctuary cities." Why aren't you enjoying your overdose of vibrant diversity, Mr. Mayor?

Mayor Adams is basically conceding New York City is done because of illegal immigration and warns New Yorkers illegals will flood ALL neighborhoods.

It's an absolute disgrace that it took this brute-force tactic to get lefties to pay the slightest bit of attention to border security. As long as OTHER Americans were suffering, they couldn't give less of a damn. It was all just a big virtue-signaling propaganda game.

What does it tell you about the moral imagination of the Left that they had nothing but snark and smarmy slogans to offer until the day border states began calling their "sanctuary city" bluff and shipping about 1/2 of 1% of the illegal tidal wave to blue cities? [Doug here: just 10 to 12,000 illegals has caused chaos in all the Big Blue Cities like Chicago, SF, NYC. Compare that with MILLIONS PER YEAR for beleaguered Texas and Arizona.]

Nothing that hapless boobs like Adams are saying is NEW. He's just being forced to discover what border state mayors and governors have known for decades. He just didn't give a rat's ass until the problem was physically FedExed to his doorstep, and now he's a blubbering wreck.

What's that you say? “Tidal waves” of unvetted illegals put incredible stress on your social welfare system, cause crime to skyrocket, push wages down, consume resources you needed for other important projects? What a shocker. Tell us more!

There isn't a man or woman of the Left who cared one whit about the suffering of border state Deplorables until the border was moved into their backyards, and they suddenly discovered all their glib slogans counted for nothing.

And now, of course, the Dem Party will "address" the problem by picking everyone else's pocket to shovel extra resources at the beleaguered blue cities while continuing to resolutely ignore border security. The American people should not accept this "solution."

The only acceptable response is to tighten physical border security - yes, we do need a wall, something more concrete than the vague promises of corrupt politicians - and shut off the magnets that draw massive numbers of migrants.

We're finally forcing blue states to understand the immigration crisis. The last step is to make them understand that it's a national problem that requires a sane national solution. No special carve-outs or subsidies for certain states or cities. /end

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