Friday, September 1, 2023

Short Takes #11: Ramaswamy, Blackrock Cornering the Housing Market, Border Disorder, Our Lying Biden Bolsheviks

I listed these to verify my numbering scheme, but maybe you’d like to catch up on some things:

#1) The Cost of Home Ownership in the US Spikes 90% in Two Years (or How to Royally Screw the Next Generation)

The US housing market has not been this unaffordable since 1984, a new study finds. Analysts at Black Knight analyzed home prices, income, and interest rates on a monthly basis going back to 1975 and found that the average mortgage today would cost $2,423 per month on a 30-year fixed with 20% down. This marks a 91% increase in housing costs over the past two years alone.

The $2,423 figure represents 38.3% of the median household income, despite home ownership costing only 24% of the median household income for the past 25 years. This study does not take into account that many do not put down the 20% downpayment due to rising closing costs, insurance costs, and taxes. The current 30-year fixed mortgage is around 7.23% at the time of this writing, marking a 20-year high. For housing affordability to reach 24% of the median income, the average household would need to earn 60% more or home prices would need to decline by 27%.

Home prices are at their highest level in 30 of the 50 largest metros. People are continuing to flee to more desirable areas for financial and political reasons, and with historically low inventory, prices will not decline any time soon in those areas.

Worse still, 344,000 US homeowners owe more than their home is worth, which is a 70% uptick from last year. In Florida, insurance rates alone are causing many longtime residents to flee. I will discuss that in more depth in another post. The housing crisis is in full swing, but this is by design. The globalists have said countless times that they want the world to become perpetual renters who own nothing. Never before has the average man had to go to battle with investment firms to own a piece of the American dream.

#2) Blackrock and Wall Street Equity Firms ‘Cornering the US Housing Market’ (or AGAIN, How to Royally Screw Future Generations)

Check out the above 10 min video from the great Dr. Steve Turley with great segments from RFK Jr. Believe me, it’s well worth it.

Home ownership costs have soared 90% in two years from #1 above. How? Because Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street are trying to “corner the market” in US housing. They don’t care that housing prices are astronomic, because, if you own 60% or more of a market (which they do now, apparently), then YOU ARE that market. The Whole Market.

These 3 companies cross-hold shares in one another—disguising the fact that it is, in fact, a MEGA, MEGA, GIANT FINANCIAL MONOPOLY. And it’s happening right under our noses. No regulation can touch them. All regulations that governed Wall Street have been removed.

Housing should be correcting by a signifcant amount due to much higher interest rates, but they’re not! There are constant offers from Blackrock affiliates who will swoop-in and best your home purchase offers. How? Because these firms have access to $TRILLIONs of equity money in the greatest equity bubble of all time —all due, of course to massive extremes of monetary excesses. This has kept housing prices high; markets that should be sharply correcting—are not. (The same comments refer to the stock market as well?? Probably. Everything is a racket in America!!)

All of this is literally the embodiment of the WEF’s “You will Own Nothing, And You Vill Be Happy.” You will only rent from Wall St giants as Neo-Serfs and '“you vill eet zee bugs.” This is no longer theory; it’s now reality.

Even if housing sinks in price, these financial giants will be “bailed-out” because they are TBTF and under the safety net of the US government and it’s ‘funny money’ machine at the Federal Reserve! Moar funny money will further inflate away your future.

This is literally the most extreme example of "moral hazard"ever seen. There’s a rot at the core of our country. Protected institutions have no fear, therefore they are outrageous in their behavior. Nobody will touch them and they can’t fail. The ultimate question is who will bail out the USA and at what interest rate???

Cornering the market is perilous, just ask the Hunt brothers, who tried to corner the silver market (as I recall). Giants fall hard, or used to.

#3) The Biden Regime WELDS OPEN Border Wall in AZ

From NYPost: The door to America is wide open.

Thousands of migrants are flowing across the US border in Arizona every day — literally through open floodgates that have made the Tucson post the busiest point of illegal entry into the country, The Post has learned.


US officials have inexplicably welded open 114 massive gates along the Arizona border to “ allow water to flow freely during the annual monsoon season and for the migration of an endangered species of antelope,” officials said. [Doug here: WTF??]

But the move is also letting an average of 1,400 migrants from as far away as China casually walk into the country daily — with overwhelmed and outnumbered border agents practically helpless to stop them.

“We thought the agents were going to tell us something,” one Ecuadorean migrant said. “But we just walked in.”

Said another from Cuba: “It was so easy to get into the US.

“Nothing like our journey through Mexico. That part was hard,” she added. “I thought there was going to be more security.”

Smugglers [Doug here: MEXICAN CARTELS] are capitalizing on the floodgate blunder, driving migrants by the busload to the border and dropping them off as if they were casual tourists. Once across, they turn themselves in to border agents and say they are seeking asylum.

#4) Biden/Mayorkas Admit To Marginalizing White America. The Great White Replacement Continues Unopposed!

These people are clearly insane. And they are perfectly happy with their corrupt money and living in gated communities with private security. All of this people are massive idiots, none with a functioning brain (some, like Biden literally has no functioning brain). Notice how Mayorkas looks so smug, self-assured and entitled. None of these people should EVER have their hands on the levers of power.
#5) Ramaswamy Gets It: Today’s Politicians Are “Hollowed Out Husks Serving As Puppets” To The Globalist Machine
Ramaswamy gets it. He should be president. He is full of energy, intelligence and is youthful, unlike all the demented old farts in DC who have to be wheeled around in wheelchairs (or assisted when lost in space or climbing stairs.)
From Summit News: During the podcast appearance with Shawn Ryan, Ramaswamy noted “It’s a machine that we’re up against. If we think it is individual, person-to-person combat, like: ‘We found the bad guys of the globalist cabal, we got ’em smoking cigars in the back room,’ that is the wrong mental model. That’s how it worked in the old world.”

“What we have today going on in the U.S. is a modern 1775 moment,” he explained, adding “In the old world, there were a group of people who got together in the back of palace halls and determined what was right for the rest of society. The old world vision, and it is rearing its head again in this country today.”

Ramaswamy emphasised that the attitude of that vision is that “We The People can not be trusted to sort out our differences through free speech and open debate in a constitutional republic, on how we fight climate change or racial injustice. It has to be decided in the back of palace halls by an enlightened elite.”

“We fought a revolution to say hell no to that vision, that yes, We The People in this constitutional republic decide how we self-govern, thank you very much,” he continued.

“Now a new type of monster has emerged in the three-letter government buildings in Washington D.C.

“So you say, maybe it is the corner office of Black Rock in their C-suite on Park Avenue. It is woven into a machine of a horizontal managerial class composed of people in three-letter agencies in government, the people who professionally sit on corporate boards, the associate deans of god knows what universities, the ambassadors to some second-tier nation in Europe who was a donor to some political party, it is the same managerial class that makes it very hard to identify because it pervades multiple institutions both within and without of government. That’s what we’re up against,” Ramaswamy asserted.

“The real divide in the country is not between Republicans and Democrats… It is between the elite and ‘managerial’ class, assholes and the citizens,” he further urged.

#6) They’re Lying Straight to Your Face

Our Affirmative Action Hire Press Secretary: "The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anyone else...Let's not forget, we've expanded the pathway to citizenship under this president, mind you he's been doing this on his own."

The Biden Regime is just changing the rules so that previous illegal crossings are now legal. And the goal is CITIZENSHIP. 10 million more illegal, future citizens will break into America by the end of 2024.

That’s the plan! We don’t need no stinking white people! You are already seeing the results.

Washington DC is a den of Traitors. If Putin nuked Washington DC, he’d be doing us a favor—I urge Mr. Putin to make sure to destroy the Eccles building that houses all the idiot PhDs at the Federal Reserve and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be sure to destroy all the CIA Offices at Langeley and elsewhere—preferably worldwide. Putin won’t but it’s a nice thought.

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