Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Armstrong: Neocons Giving Ukraine US Long Range Missiles with Cluster Bombs to Attack Moscow and Start WWIII

From Martin Armstrong's Private Blog (paywall):

I wish Socrates and I were wrong. I fear that will not be the case. 

The Neocons are running scared. If Trump got to the Supreme Court, all of this nonsense would be overruled. That, combined with the collapsing polls on Biden and some Democrats, was to push Michele Obama into the White House. The Neocons are stepping up the game BIG TIME, praying to force Russia to attack NATO. They are not only sending long-range missiles to Ukraine that will be able to hit Moscow, but they are to be armed with Cluster Bombs. My sources have been warning this has been in the works. Now, even Reuters is reporting what was once all hush/hush behind the curtain.

Putin will certainly now be justified in leveling Kyiv. Eventually, Putin will be overthrown if he does NOT attack the United States and level Brussels, taking out NATO when the US provides long-range missiles with Cluster Bombs that are acknowledged weapons of war crimes. 

For now, Victoria Nuland is pushing to kill as many Russian civilians as possible. Their end goal is to wipe Russia off the face of the earth. That is NOT hyperbole. All the stories of Ukraine winning and Russia being weak come from Ukrainian "intelligence" propaganda and Victoria Nuland's sister-in-law running the Institute for the Study of War - not peace. They make it sound that we can wipe Russia off the face of the earth, and they will never be able to respond. 

When this war began, the United Nations made it clear: "Due to their wide area effects, the use of cluster munitions in populated areas is incompatible with the international humanitarian law principles governing the conduct of hostilities," UN spokesperson Liz Throssell told journalists in Geneva. The United States is now purposefully providing Cluster Bombs for use in attacking cities in Russia using long-range missiles. This is a deliberate escalation of the Neocon's need to start World War III before the 23024 election. I have been warning that the United States has undergone a coup. We no longer have a respectful government that wears the white hat.

Because Cluster Bombs are considered a war crime since they kill more civilians than soldiers, they are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory. More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty banning the weapons, which typically scatter many smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or years later. The Neocons have prevented the United States from signing the treaty. Our Neocons block anything to reduce their blood-thirsty hatred of Russians and Chinese.

Zelensky is indeed the man who history will be remembered alongside Hitler. He has already killed more than 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and over 8 million (possibly 10 million) have fled the country. He has destroyed Ukraine and suspended elections, so the people have no right to remove him. He will use these weapons, praying that Putin has no choice but to nuke Ukraine or attack some NATO nation. He intends to try to level Moscow, and this is indeed the start of World War III.

This is why they need Biden. He does as he is told, reads the cards even the "pause," and is destroying not just the United States but Western Civilization. Europe's days are numbered. Europe will not bottom until 2024.09. That will be the 4th Pi Cycle of 31.4 years from World War I.

[This is essentially a "Hurricane Watch" for possible Severe Wartime Conditions to erupt suddenly even in the USA but probably starting in the Ukraine and Europe. Please advance your preparations to leave your home if you are in a big US city or near a military base or military facility.  Keep your gasoline tank topped-up and have your bug-out location(s) in mind and be prepared with multiple 5 gallon jugs of water, water microfiltration, canned foods, flash lights, extra batteries, camping stove, tents, sleeping bags and other camping equipment to be ready if you you will be bugging-out in the open. Don't forget guns and ammo if you have it. Stay tuned.  Godspeed.


  1. Look at the bright side. If the Russians nuke America the invaders will leave. All the africans left Ukraine when Russia invaded. Id rather die than have my children grow up as a hated persecuted minority in their own country. Look how vicious our justice system is to Trump and his supporters now and we arent even a minority yet.

  2. M.A.D. is alive still unless Putin is replaced with a very hard-liner. Russia is looking to disengage with the west......sort of like me!


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