Friday, September 22, 2023

Cultural Homogenity and Wisdom in Japan Vs. American Black Bullshit

Gee, can you spot any differences between racially homogenous Japan and the crazy-ass nigger "culture" in America?   

Japan does not allow non-japanese persons to immigrate to Japan, not even Koreans. And they certainly would not allow the unselected and indiscriminate mass migration of every type of human "refuse" from any and every "loser" country and "loser" region-- like the loser Democrats who WANT chaos and decay for our country for political dominance of a hell-hole---you know, like California.

The first crazy-ass nigger woman is claiming that people are killing trans persons. First of all, trans women are an EXTREMELY small part of the population; something like 0.03% of the population. If someone wanted to kill trans persons, good luck in finding one!  To the best of my knowledge, this kind of murder is NOT happening in this country.  And a Trans "woman" or "man" wouldn't be a threat to anyone!  Most people wouldn't even know that they are seeing or talking with one.

This is another example of more false accusations and slander against white persons and our culture.  These "activists" lie like hell because they are Democrat and want to slander white America.  

And I would expect a crazed black "women" to lie like hell. It's what they do. It's what Democrats do! THEY LIE LIKE HELL. 

Fuck you bitch.  NOW I WANT TO KILL YOU.  Congratulations, you CAUSED a problem that wasn't there before.  Shove some more black, LGTBLQT.. bullshit down your neighbors throats and they'll want to kill you too, dumbass!!  Notice that the tweets below are both from McDonalds, the first from Nigger America and the 2nd one is the sane culture of Japan.



  1. There is no white guilt in Japan therefore there is no immigration. I was there 6 months ago. Bicycles everywhere. Never saw a bike lock. No diversity = no crime. We have memory holed it in America but America used to be that safe too.

  2. In the 1950s and early 60s, the US was something like 85% white. Blacks were segregated in their own neighborhoods and schools. There was peaceful coexistence as the white population knew who the good and bad blacks were and they were treated or trusted accordingly. Blacks were OK as they had their own schools and even black colleges and didn't have to suffer the indignity of having to compete intellectually & academically against white kids and be constantly reminded that they were nowhere near the level of most whites. Peaceful coexistence. Black families were mostly headed by fathers similar to white families. Dad's, black and white, kept kids in check and all these dads instructed their kids in the ways of the world and how to behave. Peaceful coexistence. Lower crime was the result.

    Of course, that peaceful coexistence HAD to be "fixed." And it HAD to be fixed in S. Africa. Now SA is nearing a return to the Stone Age when their electrical grid fails and can't be restarted. Millions will die. Just Millions have or will die in Haiti.

    George Wallace said "segregation now, segregation forever." He was correct. Even now, re-segregation is happening out of necessity. There is a twist though. White families are choosing neighborhoods where the High Schools are mostly white and the 10 to 20% of reasonably civilized blacks have left black ghettos and can live peacefully amongst whites. The black ghettos are now completely unliveable as we can clearly see. It's in these deepest, darkest ghettos where blacks are being gladly used to cheat for scumbag Democrats to swing elections in swing states and thereby completely destroying our country. Ghetto blacks and Democrat scumbags WILL destroy EVERYTHING. And it won't be long before electric grids flicker off and on in our country. All the metropolises will all "be Detroit" and resemble burned-out shambles. Walls will have to be built to contain them, not unlike many "Gaza strips" in order to contain populations where 30 to 40% are too violent and uncivilized --just like the violent "Palestinians."

    Of course, this is the best scenario. The actual scenario is where the US falls apart, all finance fails or hyperinflation completes the destruction, not unlike Zimbabwe. A worse scenario is where America (and the EU) suffers nuclear war damage in an apocalyptic war that neocons are BEGGING for.

    Asia will rise as the only prosperous region and will keep civilization moving forward.


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