Gary Barnett at
asks: “Who is Derrick John Thompson, and why is he allowed to be any
part of human society? Derrick Thompson has just been accused of killing
five very young and vital women in a horrendous car crash, and one
where he fled the scene, seemingly completely oblivious of any caring
whatsoever for those he murdered.”
But the real
question is why was he even at-large having committed serious felonies
and sentenced to 8 years in California in 2020 but was early-released?
(of course, it’s California).
From Fox,
“In June of 2023, Derrick John Thompson plowed into a car with 5 Muslim
women in Minneapolis. Police said a vehicle was going 100 miles per
hour before the driver left Interstate 35W and smashed into another
vehicle on Lake Street Friday night, killing all five people inside.
police say the driver of the speeding car was 27-year-old Derrick John
Thompson, the son of the disgraced former Minnesota State Representative
John Thompson, who was expelled by his own party in 2022.”
Derek John Thompson, Left. His Disgraced, Scumbag Father John Thompson, Right |
From Fox: “Derrick
has a long history of driving and drug-related offenses. In 2020, he
was sentenced to eight years for a 2018 hit-and-run while fleeing police
in Montecito, California. Officers found 17.6 pounds of marijuana and
more than $20,000 in cash in the vehicle Derrick was driving, the Santa
Barbara District Attorney’s Office said. The woman he struck spent several weeks in a coma after the crash and suffered life-altering injuries, the office said.
Minnesota, Derrick has faced dozens of arrests and been convicted at
least six times. He was sentenced to a year in prison and two years
probation for carrying a firearm without a permit in 2014. The next
year, he was convicted of a drug-related felony and sentenced to more
than a month in prison and five years probation.”
Now, for the meat of the article From Gary Barnett on
live in a time of psychopathic behavior, and in a time of mass
forgiveness of psychopathic conduct by those who have been purposely
singled out as ‘special victims,’ due only to color, race, or sexual
‘preference,’ which is the epitome of insanity and hypocrisy.
live in a backward world, where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
Blindness to violent criminal acts, is rampant, and that can only be a
recipe for total chaos in our future, which is exactly what is sought by
the ruling class and their controlled political monsters in government.
In this particular mass killing by Thompson, the
mainstream media is going to great lengths to avoid his past felonious
behavior, and refers to this case over and over again as alleged; this
although the evil committed was all caught on camera for any to see, and
was not due to any chase or extreme police situation, but was just a
blatant act of complete disregard for the lives of innocent others. He
has committed criminal acts on prior multiple occasions.
we have been abused beyond imagination for many decades by rulers and
governments, but since the outset of the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ the
ensuing lockdowns, the deadly masks, the murder of high numbers of our
population due to abominable medical crucifixion by the so-called
American ‘health’ system, the job losses, the business closures, the
mass inflation, the supply chain destruction, and any other number of
horrendous actions at the hands of the State, we who actually believe in
real freedom, have been constantly targeted. We are dealing all at once
with biologically impossible trans hogwash, biologic insanity, riots,
despicable BLM and Antifa criminals, central bank digital currency
rollouts, digitized control grids, extreme surveillance, bioweapons
including the deadly bioweapon injections falsely called ‘vaccines,’
weather and bioweapon geoengineering, fake ‘climate change’ policies,
food destruction, and a myriad of other threats all at the same time at
the hands of this abhorrent State.
[Doug here:
That’s not all! Think about all the crimes and corruption of the Biden
family that go unprosecuted. Think about the 100s of $millions
accumulated by Hillary Clinton from a legion of supplicants who sought
influence in a pay-to-play scheme in the 2016 election season.
thought Bush’s Iraq disaster was bad? But the war crimes and crimes
against humanity done by Hillary and Obama in Syria, Libya and the
Ukraine were THREE TIMES worse!
Hillary, Obama and Victoria
Nuland gave us our current conflict in Ukraine that now threatens to
become a wider war. Nuland and all the war mongering Neocons continue to
press for MORE war as Putin repeatedly threatens the use of nuclear
weapons. And think about all the felonies and lies committed by those
unlawfully persecuting and slandering Donald Trump and so many others
including J6 prisoners. Of course, the 2020 election was clearly
manipulated in many ways by Democrats. As a country, we’re literally drowning in malfeasance and criminality.]
We are being poisoned in every aspect of our lives,
and normalcy has been eliminated in favor of psychopathic behavior by
the ‘rulers, the politicians,’ the State at every level, the evil
controlled media, and by much of this blind and indifferent ‘society.’
We are facing deadly war with unknown weaponry, complete market
breakdowns, poisoning from every angle, mass sickness, and what appears
to be the largest depopulation effort ever recorded in history.
the midst of all this, violent criminal atrocities continue to
escalate, mostly due to State crime and policies of enslavement, while
most ignore what is going on around them, expecting another handout,
another government check, another fake reparations program, another mass
transfer of wealth to the ruling class, making equality universal, but
this equality will be only equal poverty and death of the entire
The brutalization and perversion allowed against children has become a common theme, while only a few are exposing this evil.
The prevalence of this immoral pedophilia at the hands of government,
the ruling ‘elite,’ the financial heads, the political class en masse,
the media, the Hollywood scum, and the disregard by much of this
population to this heinous situation, is beyond anything I have ever
witnessed. At least with war, many get behind the State in support of
its atrocities, falsely of course, but when the atrocities against innocent children are ignored, sanity has been lost. [Doug here:
note the revulsion of the Left and political elites to the very true
story of child trafficking in the movie “Sound of Freedom? Are they FOR
Child trafficking/abuse??? What is wrong with these people?”]
does not have to be this way, but just how much are the lazy,
non-caring, apathetic, and idiotic among us, willing to accept without
resistance, and without lifting a finger to stop this onslaught against
the common man and the innocent children who are being destroyed at
When psychopaths are allowed to rule over
societies, allowed to escape real justice for their crimes, and seen as
‘leaders’ by the weak, what have we become? Will the masses ever stand
up against their own demise, or is there some level of evil that they
will finally recognize as too immoral to stomach? Will there ever be any
mass revolt against this wicked barbarism at the hands of this
miserable State?
“I wonder what would happen if
everyone suddenly woke up together and realized they’d been living in
an invisible prison run by greedy psychopaths.”