Thursday, July 27, 2023

RFK Jr. - The Statesman For Our Time?

We have some great truth-telling people running for President these days: Ramaswamy, Trump, Scott, DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. I would consider voting for any of these upstanding candidates. They are an increasing problem for the Deep State in their control of their “narratives.”

RFK Jr., so far, is a fearless truth-teller and a liberal democrat in the best sense of that phrase.

I can make the case that RFK Jr. is a (the?) statesman for our time. He's the JFK of our day (and JFK would be a solid and principled Conservative by today's"standards.") I like his manners and the way he makes his point with courtesy and without hysterics. Furthermore and more importantly, he's correct in so many of these issues. He may have more appeal than Trump, even to many Republicans.

Of course the Democrat primaries will be rigged again to eliminate RFK Jr. or anyone else, just like Bernie got the shaft in favor of horrible Hillary. Trump appears to have a lock on the Repub nomination, but the Deep State may assassinate him after their full-on lawfare schemes fail and actually make him even more popular. The added incentive of that scenario is that any protests by ‘fly-over’ Trump sympathetic persons will be ‘spun’ as INSURRECTION!!

They’re ‘just’ deplorable nazis who deserve to be put down like dogs, right Hillary? Right, Obama? You’ve been conditioned for that.

Here’s a clip where RFK Jr. politely ‘schools’ Hannity about the war in Ukraine on a Fox Townhall. The most important point to this post is that republican audience was massively supportive to RFK and cheered and applauded him many times, especially about the Ukraine/Russia war. Also see my posts: RFK Jr. Vows To Defend 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, Border, And End Wars and RFK Jr. Says Admin Lying About Ukraine

 But Democrats will remain entirely insulated from any inconvenient truths by the truth suppression operation being performed by the captured Media. (Operation Mockingbird, anyone?) Many Republicans can see this propaganda operation clearly, but little or no truth will register to the other half the country. That’s the crux of why the Left is completely disconnected from reality. They are living in a 100% inversion of truth/reality—in a ‘manufactured’ truth. Deluded Dems lap up what they’re fed, like dogs. 

But I don’t intend to insult dogs. I love dogs.

Implications for the Election Season

And the 2024 election will again be massively rigged and manipulated just like in 2020 if it’s held at all. You can tell the “fix is in” because Biden is not making any effort to campaign exactly like in 2020 where there was zero enthusiasm and no one attended his rallies. Nasty Biden had ZERO organic appeal and still doesn’t. He is a complete “plant” and ultimate puppet for the Deep State. We’re in the 3rd term of Obama.

The D.S. (deep state) will probably have to jettison demented Biden as he’s more confused and angry/agitated than ever. (Agitation/anger is common symptom with Dementia patients.) He’s recently admitted to the world that he’s sold plenty of State secrets for money for God’s sake! His mumblings, falls, fumbling and inchoherence are increasingly embarrassing. “Karmela” also has ZERO appeal.

There is plenty of risk that the war against Russia might turn very hot to boost Biden. If that happens, Michelle Obama may be offered as our wartime puppet presidential candidate.

Alternatively, if Trump is “bumped-off” and the outrage turns into open protests across the country, will domestic “insurrection” and a state of hot war with Russia, will ‘they’ cancel the election entirely?

No one running is perfect, but I'm getting to the point of thinking that RFK Jr. is the best man for our time. The fact that he's running as a Democrat seems crazy, because Democrats are frigging crazy. As I’ve said, Biden is so far gone that they'll have to jetison him and Kamala is a non-starter. This is what the Democrats have created: a giant, criminal, corrupted mess. And Republicans are in on it—for the money of course. Yes, I like Trump and I always have. And if Trump somehow wins despite the CHEATING ON STERIODS and escapes assassination, I'll also be happy.

We should rejoice that real truth-tellers are emerging and running for leader of the formerly-free world: Vivek is great, Trump is great, RFK Jr is great. I would say, at this point, that RFK Jr may be the best statesman for our time. Yes, I know he's an environmentalist and I don't know where he stands on the "Totalitarian Green New Deal Scam." Surely he can see it for what it is. Maybe I need to wait and see if his good sense extends to the greatest power grab in our history: the "green" “new” "deal."

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