Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,
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When I began delving into the JFK assassination many years ago, I naturally read lots of books. Gradually, I became convinced that the assassination was a highly sophisticated regime-change operation orchestrated and carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment. I became convinced that it was no different in principle from other regime-change operations, especially ones that involved state-sponsored assassinations based on “national security,” such as those operations that targeted Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Chilean Gen. Rene Schneider, Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz.
While I became convinced that the Kennedy assassination was, in fact, a regime-change operation, I also believed that I could never walk into a courtroom and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the standard of proof required in a criminal case. I didn’t think that any of the assassination researchers had provided sufficient evidence to meet that burden. After many years of studying the assassination, I still believe that to this day.
Thus, in my opinion, those who cry “Conspiracy theory!” when one focuses on what happened in Dealey Plaza are essentially saying, “You don’t have enough evidence to convict the national-security establishment of this offense beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Not so, however, with the autopsy. Once I came to the realization that the military establishment had conducted a fraudulent autopsy, it was “game over” and “case closed” for the national-security establishment. The fraudulent autopsy is the “back door” that establishes beyond a reasonable doubt criminal culpability of the national-security establishment in the Kennedy assassination.
The reason for this is that there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. None! No one has ever come up with one and no one ever will.
A fraudulent autopsy necessarily equates to cover-up. And the only entity that the national-security establishment would be covering up for would be itself, especially since the scheme for the fraudulent autopsy was launched at Parkland Hospital at the moment that Kennedy was declared dead. That was when a team of Secret Service agents, brandishing guns and stating that they were operating under orders, knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately violated Texas state law by prohibiting the Dallas County medical examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, from conducting an autopsy on the president’s body.
That Secret Service team forced its way out of Parkland and took the president’s body to Dallas’ Love Field, where the new president, Lyndon Johnson, was waiting for it. Johnson transported the body to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, where it was delivered into the hands of the military.
Keep in mind something important: This was a murder case under Texas law. No federal agency, including the Pentagon, the CIA, the Secret Service, the FBI, or the Justice Department, had jurisdiction over this crime. Nonetheless, the military, which by this time had became a dominant force in American life, took control over the autopsy.
The military’s autopsy fraud is detailed in my two books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story. The following are three examples of the autopsy fraud:
1. The ARRB discovered the existence of a Navy petty officer named Saundra Spencer, who worked in the Navy’s photographic lab in Washington, D.C.
Spencer told the ARRB a remarkable story. She said that on the weekend of the assassination, she was asked to develop the photographs of Kennedy’s autopsy. She was told that the operation was “classified.” She had kept her secret for more than 30 years, until the ARRB released her from her vow of secrecy.
When the ARRB showed Spencer the official autopsy photograph showing the back of JFK’s head to be intact, she stated that that was not the autopsy photograph that she developed. The photograph she developed showed a massive hole in the back of JFK’s head. That, of course, would imply a frontal shot, which was contrary to the official’’ narrative.
Spencer’s sworn testimony matched the statements of the treating physicians and several other witnesses at Parkland Hospital as well as witnesses at the Bethesda morgue, where the autopsy was carried out.
They stated that Kennedy had a massive, exit-sized wound in the back of his head. For example, Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the treating physicians stated, “I said, well, there is a wound in the back of his head here in the right side that’s at least five inches in diameter — a circular wound far in the back of his head.” Another example: Parkland Hospital physician Dr. Charles Carrico: “There was a large — quite a large — defect about here on his skull [pointing to the back of his head].”
If Spencer, Dr. McClelland, Carrico, and all the other witnesses were telling the truth — and I’m convinced they were — then there is only one inescapable conclusion that can be drawn — that the military’s official photograph showing the back on President Kennedy’s head to be intact was fraudulent.
2. The ARRB also discovered the existence of a man named Roger Boyajian, who, like Spencer, told the ARRB a remarkable story. He said that on the day of the assassination, he was a Marine Sergeant serving at the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. He was ordered to go to the Bethesda morgue to provide security.
Boyajian, who, like Spencer, had been sworn to secrecy, told the ARRB that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 6:35 p.m. That presented a problem because the undisputed official narrative is that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 8 p.m., almost an hour-and-a-half later, in the heavy, ornate casket into which it had been placed at Parkland Hospital.
Boyajian had reported this early introduction of the president’s body in an “after-action report” that he delivered to his superiors the week following the assassination. That military never turned over that report to the ARRB, as it was required to do under the law. But Sergeant Boyajian had kept a copy, which he delivered to the ARRB.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the military had to be up to no good in sneaking the president’s body into the Bethesda morgue and then, an hour-and-a-half later, reintroducing the entry of the body into the morgue.
Was there corroboration for Boyajian’s extraordinary claim? Actually there was, and I detail it in The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil. Several Navy enlisted men stated that they carried the president’s body into the morgue in a light “shipping casket” rather than the heavy ornate casket into which the president’s body was placed in Dallas. Moreover, Lt. Col. Pierre Finck stated two times, including once under oath, that he was telephoned by Commander James Humes, the lead pathologist in the autopsy, at 8 p.m. inviting Finck to come to the morgue to assist with the autopsy. During that conversation, Humes told Finck that they already had x-rays of the president’s head. Since the undisputed official entry time of the president’s body was at 8 p.m., the only way that they could already have x-rays of the president’ head was if they were taking them after they sneaked the body into the morgue at 6:35 p.m.
3. The ARRB also discovered that there were two separate brain examinations in the Kennedy autopsy, one of which could not possibly have been the brain belonging to the president. When the military is falsely claiming that there was only one brain exam and when the military is falsely representing a brain to be that of President Kennedy, it would be difficult to find a better example of autopsy fraud than that.
[Doug here: Who's brain and head did the use for the x-rays and photographs? Apolice officer also killed that day: J.D. Tippet who was nicknamed JFK for his resemblance to the President. Also see below in comments.]
As I stated above and as I have repeatedly emphasized over the years, there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. Once one concludes that the autopsy was fraudulent, one has automatically concluded that the assassination was orchestrated and carried out by the national-security establishment. There is no other reasonable conclusion that can be drawn.
[Doug here:] Personally, I have seen the “analog” video footage of the shooting and the high powered ‘kill shot’ came from the front and exited the back of Kennedy’s head. In fact it blew off about a 5” diameter portion of the President’s skull and brain. This is the thing: I remember Jacky Kennedy immediately tried to gather the parts blown off JFKs head in an instinctive hope that these peices would be necessary if he was to be surgically repaired. It’s a very sad understanding.
I once saw an interview with Jackie Kennedy in which she stated that she didn't climb onto the back of the car to save herself or run away. She saw a piece of John's head fly out onto the trunk (she actually said "brain"). She said she thought "he's going to need that" and she climbed out and grabbed it. Watch the film again with this in mind and see that this is exactly what Jackie did- she reached out and grabbed a piece of something and snatched it in. Watch her gaze follow the piece of flying brain before she leaps ontp the trunk. Could only have happened if that back of his head was blown out toward the rear trunk hood
Those autopsy photos were included in a book that came out in the 90's. I found the book on remainder in a bookstore and bought two copies. I believe it was titled, "The Killing of a President." The photos clearly show the back of the president's head virtually gone. It also shows the X-ray evidence as well as the hastily constructed "fake" head they used for close-ups. They had attempted to re-assemble the president's skull to represent their claims but the job was clearly crude and obvious. Despite the makeup the military tried to use in covering Kennedy's wounds, the actual truth is plain for everyone to see: Our president was killed by someone in our government and the rest of the government and our court system covered for this deed.
The reason why there were 2 caskets is because there were 2 bodies. In the expensive casket was a police officer J D Tibet, nicknamed John Kennedy because he looked like the president, who was killed by G. Gordon Liddy, talk show host. In the very plain inexpensive casket was was the president. They used Tibet's body to frame Oswald, by making an entrance wound from the rear, while in the presidents airplane when Johnson was being sworn in as president. I wonder which body made it to Arlington cemetery?
When Mike Pompeo didn’t answer the JFK question…that’s when I knew it was a CIA mission. All these years I thought it was foreign actors. In light of what’s happened in the past 5 years, there’s no doubt anymore, it was the CIA.
There were 2 bodies, that of JFK, and the other of J.D. Tippet, the policeman that was killed on the same day as JFK, 45 minutes after.
When you realize that J.D. Tippet's nickname was "JFK", because of his similar appearance to the president, the coincidences start to overwhelm.
I think it's obvious that J.D. Tippet was killed by the same organization that killed JFK, and Tippet's body was used in place of Kennedy's at times, and grotesquely to "cut and paste" parts of both bodies together in order to get a corpse that fit the single-shooter narrative.Who's brain and head did the use for the x-rays and photographs? J.D. Tippet.
we now know for certain that Oswald working with the CIA wasn’t just a theory at all but rather, a confirmed fact. Whether or not there was one or more shooters working together with Oswald is almost immaterial in light of the detail of Oswald’s previous CIA associations.
I saw the Zapruder film the next day. Anybody that has ever fired a rifle at anything can immediately see Kennedy was hit from the front. No amount of bullshit from Washington DC will change my mind. [Doug here: yes, only a head-on shot would blow a 5” hole in the back of JFKs head.]
Not so puzzling when you consider that killing Tippet was the backup plan in case the wounds on JFK could not support a single-shooter-from-the-back theory, which they could not. 45 minutes is enough time to figure out that you need another body that looks like JFK with the "right" wounds, and then go out and get it. Of course, they made an error and didn't get the "right" wounds in Tippet either, so there was some patchwork to be done.
Look, during the Cold War, the military and the CIA got a little too frisky. Everybody was paranoid and jumped up. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy fired the out of control CIA director Dulles. Kennedy was also backing out of the Vietnam engagement. Military and CIA killed Kennedy. Did it IN YOUR FACE. Then Dulles, the fired CIA director, lead the Warren report whitewashing the assassination.Johnson then went full bore on Vietnam. Dulles got the airport in D.C. named after him. The CIA has been steering the ship since 1963, most recently torpedoing Trump. They invited the FBI and NSI in to the party in the last few years. How it is.
Jackie Kennedy was standing next to LBJ when he was inaugurated. She was still wearing the pink skirt with JFK's blood all over it. LBJ urged her to change, but she stood fast, saying,"I want the American people to see what's been done to him." She was only 34 at the time, that's showing some spine, given the role of women at the time. I read many years ago that she wrote an autobiography that can't be published until 50 years after her death--21 years to go; my guess it is should be quite revealing about what she knew or believed regarding his death.
On October 1963 JFK signed the order to take all 16,000 advisors/troops out of Vietnam by 1965. The first 1,000 troops would be pulled out by December 63. In November he was murdered. One week after his death LBJ rescinded the order. The next year 250,000 troops were sent by Congress and LBJ. And now it is essentially understood Oswald was a CIA asset. All coincidence I suppose.
Maybe after the US Financial/Military Hegemony dies it's certain death, we might then find *who* did this.
Our bet is on the Dulles Brothers. The elder brother was heavily involved in/after WWII. Both brothers hated the Kennedy Patriarch. His younger brother despised Kennedy. He had the means, the opportunity and the power to assassinate The President.....And don't expect Robert Kennedy to finally come out and tell the truth. He's got family, and he doesn't want harm brought upon his disclosure. Nonetheless, he's stated that, likely, The CIA murdered his uncle.
Gerald Ford was appointed to the Warren Commission by LBJ. Ford did his part and then was made president after they got rid of Nixon.
George Bush was already secretly in the CIA and was suspected of being involved in the assassination. Ford made him head of the CIA. Nice way to destroy evidence. And then he too was made president.
From Wiki about David Lifton, who wrote a carefully researched book that was published by McMillan called “Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.”
The central thesis of the book is that President Kennedy’s body had been altered between the Dallas hospital and the autopsy site at Bethesda for the purpose of creating erroneous conclusions about the number and direction of the shots. He details evidence—using both the Warren Commission documents and original research and interviews with those involved at both Dallas and Bethesda—of a stark and radical change between the descriptions of the wounds by the medical staff at Dallas and those at Bethesda.[11] For instance, nearly all the Dallas medical staff thought the head wound entered from the front and exited through a 2-in. by 2.-in. hole in the exterior.[11] The autopsy, on the contrary, reported a massive exit wound in the front (about 4x the size of the reports of the Dallas staff), which would indicate a shot from the rear.[1]
It was these sort of conflicts that drove his quest.[1] The Warren Commission had ultimately resolved them through relying on what was considered the “best evidence”, the autopsy report and photos; but that didn’t satisfy Lifton.[11]
As Lifton was methodically working through the 26-volume Warren Commission report and exhibits, he stumbled upon what would become the fulcrum of his narrative, the answer he was looking for. He read, according to a report by FBI agents Siebert and O'Neill who attended the autopsy and took notes on everything they observed, that it was "apparent that a tracheotomy had been well as surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of the skull."[1] Since Lifton knew that there was no surgery to the head in Dallas, this was the fact that intensified and focused his research, leading ultimately to the synthesis of the contradictory Dallas/Bethesda evidence to his conclusion that there was intentional fraud, that is, as Lifton puts it, a “medical forgery” to the body of the President.[12]
In connection with his body alteration theory, Lifton hypothesized about when and where the alteration took place. He posits that after John F. Kennedy's assassination, unnamed conspirators on Air Force One removed Kennedy's body from its original bronze casket and placed it in a shipping casket, while en route from Dallas to Washington. Once the presidential plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, the shipping casket with the President's body in it was surreptitiously taken by helicopter from the side of the plane that was out of the television camera's view. Kennedy's body was then taken to an unknown location — most likely Walter Reed Army Medical Center — where the body was surgically altered to make it appear that he was shot only from the rear.[12][13]
Among the explicitly stated clear implications of the book are the following: The assassination was an “inside” job with, at minimum, a number of secret service men involved—the ones who controlled the scene and the evidence[11] and Oswald was, as he stated after his arrest, “a patsy."
Anyone who looks into the JFK assassination will see the MIC involved in every aspect of it. Off the top of my head:
Oswald worked on the top secret U2 spy plane, then 'defected' to the USSR just before the U2 was shot down. THEN Oswald left the Soviet Union with his Russian wife and was NOT thrown in prison but set up in Dallas to work with the FBI & CIA.
The Secret Service was called off JFK's limo.
The motorcade route was changed to include a more than 90 degree turn - a clear security violation.
Windows were open in Dealy Plaza - a clear security violation. [Doug here: it was a convertible Lincoln limo, no?]
Witnesses heard and reported many more than 3 shots.
The number of witnesses who committed suicide with shotguns just prior to their scheduled testimony is Clintonesque.
Some comments from myself in brackets and other readers of this article posted at ZeroHedge:
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