Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Biden Regime Massively 'Fluffing' Job Numbers

The BLS is in full propaganda mode, "fabricating" 9 million "jobs." The "real" numbers are flat with foreign workers taking basically all the jobs. Part-time jobs soar. Bidenonmics is hollow fraud.

From Zerohedge:

Every aspect of the Federal Government is a complete fraud and sham of incompetence and malfeasance. The latest evidence is the May employment report.

First there is giant, yawning differences between what households say (in a monthly telephone survey) versus what employers say. It’s been a systemic lie for the entire “Biden” administration. Now, there is a 9 million job descrepancy in the two numbers; the biggest lie ever:


Some of that “padding” of the jobs number has been the 1.9 million fictious jobs from the fraudulent “birth/death” adjustment which continues to be used to blatantly inflate the job count:


Foreign Born Workers Getting ALL the Jobs: US-born Workers Losing Work

Refering to the figure just below, since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs! Aren’t our elected officials supposed to be working for Americans???


The Quality of Jobs Shifts to Part-Time from Full Time: Not Good

In the past year: 1.2 million full-time jobs have been lost, replaced by 1.5 million part time jobs.! That is NOT a good economy. In fact, it sucks. 

And here is just May 2024 changes: more of the same as 625K full-time jobs were lost in one month, replaced by 286K part-time. BAD!

Bonus: The Illegal Alien Invasion Since the Start of the “Biden” Junta

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