Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sorrow for our Youth Whose Lives Were Needlessly Snuffed-out by the MNRA "Vax"

This is a real and ordinary email conversation between Doug and Eddie, two conservative dudes chatting about our hurts and suffering:


Look how many have died because of getting VAXXED…   Thousands and thousands have died. There is not a day that doesn’t go by, that another well-known individual Keels-Over,  &  goes belly up!! 

A few things that these people have common.  

1. All are 35 years of age,  And younger… 

2.  All are in good shape.  Very, very good shape.

3.  None of them smoked.  

4. They either didn’t drink,  🍺 Or, 🍹 they drank moderately… 

So many times I have read article after article, where another sports figure that keels over…. And some of them are well known.  And some of them not so much.

But many ARE well known on the local stage of the city, town, state they are from. Many articles I’ve read of young men, just getting their start in life right out of high school, or right, out of college, or still in college. And yet certain pro teams have their eye on them. And then unexpectedly, they go belly up. 

I read an article just the other day about our young college female athlete that went belly up. She was another one of those that had to get vaxxed,  or drop out of the gymnastics senior class they were in. Of course the parents are distraught, besides themselves, and they don’t have a clue what could be wrong with her.  WHAT COULD IT BE??? What COULD it be?

But just from the tone of the article, and the fact that it happened in California, our UCLA student, soon to graduate in another year— I could tell, and the article screamed at me, that the young lady’s parents are dyed in the wool lefties…   

Which is so extremely sad when I come across articles like this. Because her death will be in vain. Her death will never be investigated.  Heaven forbid, her parents were never given the truth. 

And even then, if somehow or another, an autopsy was court ordered (against the parents wishes), a young lady’s husband is going against her parents and ordering an autopsy…  

Because her husband is obviously a commonsense conservative. But to the girl’s parents????  He is a far right lunatic… and you and I know the truth….  That  they are the real lunatics.  The trouble is though we now live in a country where the lunatics really are running the asylum. They control the news media. Be it print or news 🗞️ 📰 

Sincerely, Eddie

Dear Eddie,

Very well said Eddie. 👏  I'm sick of the criminal abuse from criminals in power. And I'm sick of the incredibly brainwashed, gullible population who don't even have ONE OUNCE of common sense.  

I've had it with the USSA. At this particular moment, I see ZERO reason to return there. Most of the people there are mentally ill and they don't even know it. I can see this much more clearly in comparison to the entirely sane and gentle culture here in Cambodia. There is a very real sense of community here. 

It makes it clearer than ever that so much of the public "culture" is destroyed there and/or fully brainwashed.

From VERY EARLY IN THE COVID PANIC, it was known that the median age of those dying of Covid was 82 yo in Italy, 85 in Australia 83 yo in the UK (from memory) and virtually ZERO fatalities in virtually ALL young people.

Really, almost everyone younger than 50yo rarely died unless they were fat, had Vitamin D deficiency, or had serious disease, or comorbidities.  THERE WAS NO REASON FOR NORMAL YOUNG PEOPLE TO EVER HAVE THAT EXPERIMENTAL MRNA SHOT.

So, those that continue to drop dead are crimes so horrible and entirely criminal that the perpetrators should be charged with mass deaths,  CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE and we need NUREMBERG- LIKE TRIALS AND SUMMARY EXECUTIONS just like the Nazi propagandists and criminals.


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