Monday, June 24, 2024

What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined, Updated

All of the recent violence and crime coming out of the black community reminds me of the fact that the blacks ruin everything everywhere and all the time. Think of the wreckage of black lives in Ferguson and Baltimore due to emotional, fact-free violence which is just the latest of wreckage from the idiocy that is "black America." Sorry, but the black community in the US is a trainwreck of drugs, violence, gangs, prostitution, murder, stupidity & ignorance, lack of logic, immaturity, poverty, incarcerated men, fatherless children, STDs and HIV. Most other black majority areas in the world have the same situation with very few exceptions (none?).

Many black folks are nice, kind and responsible. But the bottom 25 to 50% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.

Jordan Peterson, a professional psychologist, explains the problem inadvertently in his 4 minute YouTube Video where he explains “What it Means to have an IQ LOWER than 83” (which is about the bottom ONE HALF of the US Black population or ANY Black population and represents only about 10% of our White population.)

Persons, of any color, having an IQ below about 83 are unable to learn any kind of significant trade or elicit any sort of integrity in their thinking or their behavior. The US military found this out during World War II—thus their policy of rejecting those of low IQ.

In the short YT video below, he explains why the US military’s policy in the WWII era was to basically reject inductees with low IQs, below something like an IQ of 83, because they are shown to be un-trainable or of no use for any important military service.

It’s very informative and instructive. Like I said, he inadvertently diagnoses so clearly our black “problem” and it’s really catastrophic and unfixable:

All of the most dangerous cities in the US are the ones with large black populations. Black men, at 6% of the population commit 56% of gun murders and 59% of felony murders. Some 11% of black men are in jail right now. The published black high school graduation rate of 54% is exaggerated because no statistician is accounting for the large numbers of young black men/boys in jail. And 37% of those kids who drop-out eventually make it to jail.  $21 trillion has been spent on income support and benefits substantially for blacks since Johnson's Great Society, but poverty has increased! It's because these programs have ruined black families and single parent households are much poorer than households with two parents. Despite all that money, one can easily make an argument that the Great Society has ushered-in a black cultural collapse.

The black "community" is a miasma of crime yet they disrespect and hate the police. The black community is most in need of police protection but is the most hostile to and uncooperative with police. They don't respect any authority figure -- black or white. And don't put a black person on a jury! They have little logic and believe really stupid things about police. Black jurors often don't want to convict black criminals.

Every housing project built to "help" the black community has been immediately wrecked and ruined. Most of them are now condemned or torn down. All of the well-meaning white men's tax dollars have been flushed down the toilet. What's left of inner cities are disasters and basically uninhabitable except for the most desperate or impoverished. And we're still spending $1 Trillion per year on programs primarily directed at these people. It's not working.  

Black people and especially black men remain a huge burden to this country. And it's not just the US.

Brazil, with a majority black and black/mix ethnicity, has a murder rate some 6 times the rate of that in the US. Brazil had 50,000 murders in one recent year (compared to about 15,000 in the US, but Brazil has only 200 million people).  The Brazil murder total is approximately the entire US death toll from the 10 year long Viet Nam war. Why? Because black people caused it! Crime is also sky-high in most Latino and all black nations.

Conditions in Africa range from very poor to catastrophically bad. Poverty, dysfunction, tyranny, crime, murder, occasional genocides are very common in Africa. The same can be said of places like Haiti and Jamaica. There is little advanced civilization in evidence in most parts of Africa, Caribbean or US black populations. That isn't to say that they are bad people. But they have populations with the lowest cognitive ability (IQ) in the world. Some parts of Africa have median IQs estimated in the 60s, 70s and low 80s.

Low Median Intelligence Causes Disorderly, Impoverished and Miserable Populations

Only Northern Europeans and East Asian populations (and their descendants) have median IQs of 100 or more. All the rest of the world is much lower -- averaging in the 80s -- including blacks and Hispanics.  High median IQs easily explains the success of the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. White English-speakers invented political and economic freedom and have created the most successful, prosperous and orderly societies the world has ever seen.  East Asians (and descendants) have created great cultures as well.

But black populations here and in Africa have the lowest median IQs in the entire world. And not surprisingly, black communities are a disaster of crime and murder, ignorance, disorder, dysfunction, poverty and misery. Conditions in most parts of Africa range from dreadful to "medieval" to even "prehistoric." Most African "cultures" here and there are in total cultural collapse. In the US, there is little logic, little intelligence, little impulse control in this low intelligence population. The average black adult has a much lower intellectual (and emotional) maturity corresponding to their lower median IQ of 84. It's very obvious, but you are forbidden to say publicly any of this.

Black make up 13.8% of the US population and represent a huge burden to the country. Not just this country, but to anyplace where they are a significant minority or majority.

White majorities will disappear in 40 years in the US and the US will see lower per-capita GDP, higher crime and a predominance of populist politicians that will bring the end to the greatest country on earth. It's happening very rapidly under Obama, our token black president. Him and every other black leader in the US would lead their country to 3rd world status. 

The good news for quite a few US blacks that are responsible and reasonable (about 1/2 of them?) is that they can escape majority black communities and live among much more peaceful white and/or Hispanic communities. But the trainwreck of the black culture is not far away and can still strike out and ruin things even for those folks and everyone else. That's why if a few blacks move into your neighborhood, it's almost certain that crime will go up ---not from your neighbors -- but from their unsavory "friends"and associates. The black trainwreck affects even the good black folks.  Even the bottom 25% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.

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