Thursday, June 6, 2024

Dear Readers, Please Take a Minute and Adjust Your Gulfcoastcommentary Bookmark

Since this blog has been on Google Blogger for 12+ years, mnay people are quite accustomed to this link. 

But since Google has a spotty record on free speech, and several of my posts have been hacked and erased, I HAVE ALREADY IMPORTED MY ENTIRE BLOG HISTORY TO Substack. For the time being, I've been double-posting my new posts on Substack AND Google, which creates extra work for me.

Also subscribe to Substack and you'll get new posts by email, which Google blogger has phased-out automatic emailing of posts to readers.

Please note that the commenting section on Substack is much better and convenient than Blogger and I get notified of each new comment and reply which should enable better conversations in the comment section.  PLUS Substack is an amazing oasis of free speech and fresh ideas. It's a veritable garden of creativity and fresh thought! It's the new best thing!  You'll get notices of new posts and you'll also find other conservative writers there. I highly recommend it.

So here's your current bookmark:

Here's the Substack bookmark: 

So, just edit the bookmark and replace "blogspot" with "substack." Or, just add the Substack bookmark to your bookmark list. (Maybe delete the old blogspot one?)   

See, easy peasy!  

Soon, you'll be thanking me (I hope).  Do it now so you don't forget.

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