Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024
What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined, Updated
All of the recent violence and crime coming out of the black community reminds me of the fact that the blacks ruin everything everywhere and all the time. Think of the wreckage of black lives in Ferguson and Baltimore due to emotional, fact-free violence which is just the latest of wreckage from the idiocy that is "black America." Sorry, but the black community in the US is a trainwreck of drugs, violence, gangs, prostitution, murder, stupidity & ignorance, lack of logic, immaturity, poverty, incarcerated men, fatherless children, STDs and HIV. Most other black majority areas in the world have the same situation with very few exceptions (none?).
Many black folks are nice, kind and responsible. But the bottom 25 to 50% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.
Jordan Peterson, a professional psychologist, explains the problem inadvertently in his 4 minute YouTube Video where he explains “What it Means to have an IQ LOWER than 83” (which is about the bottom ONE HALF of the US Black population or ANY Black population and represents only about 10% of our White population.)
Persons, of any color, having an IQ below about 83 are unable to learn any kind of significant trade or elicit any sort of integrity in their thinking or their behavior. The US military found this out during World War II—thus their policy of rejecting those of low IQ.
In the short YT video below, he explains why the US military’s policy in the WWII era was to basically reject inductees with low IQs, below something like an IQ of 83, because they are shown to be un-trainable or of no use for any important military service.
It’s very informative and instructive. Like I said, he inadvertently diagnoses so clearly our black “problem” and it’s really catastrophic and unfixable:
All of the most dangerous cities in the US are the ones with large black populations. Black men, at 6% of the population commit 56% of gun murders and 59% of felony murders. Some 11% of black men are in jail right now. The published black high school graduation rate of 54% is exaggerated because no statistician is accounting for the large numbers of young black men/boys in jail. And 37% of those kids who drop-out eventually make it to jail. $21 trillion has been spent on income support and benefits substantially for blacks since Johnson's Great Society, but poverty has increased! It's because these programs have ruined black families and single parent households are much poorer than households with two parents. Despite all that money, one can easily make an argument that the Great Society has ushered-in a black cultural collapse.
The black "community" is a miasma of crime yet they disrespect and hate the police. The black community is most in need of police protection but is the most hostile to and uncooperative with police. They don't respect any authority figure -- black or white. And don't put a black person on a jury! They have little logic and believe really stupid things about police. Black jurors often don't want to convict black criminals.
Every housing project built to "help" the black community has been immediately wrecked and ruined. Most of them are now condemned or torn down. All of the well-meaning white men's tax dollars have been flushed down the toilet. What's left of inner cities are disasters and basically uninhabitable except for the most desperate or impoverished. And we're still spending $1 Trillion per year on programs primarily directed at these people. It's not working.
Black people and especially black men remain a huge burden to this country. And it's not just the US.
Brazil, with a majority black and black/mix ethnicity, has a murder rate some 6 times the rate of that in the US. Brazil had 50,000 murders in one recent year (compared to about 15,000 in the US, but Brazil has only 200 million people). The Brazil murder total is approximately the entire US death toll from the 10 year long Viet Nam war. Why? Because black people caused it! Crime is also sky-high in most Latino and all black nations.
Conditions in Africa range from very poor to catastrophically bad. Poverty, dysfunction, tyranny, crime, murder, occasional genocides are very common in Africa. The same can be said of places like Haiti and Jamaica. There is little advanced civilization in evidence in most parts of Africa, Caribbean or US black populations. That isn't to say that they are bad people. But they have populations with the lowest cognitive ability (IQ) in the world. Some parts of Africa have median IQs estimated in the 60s, 70s and low 80s.
Low Median Intelligence Causes Disorderly, Impoverished and Miserable Populations
Only Northern Europeans and East Asian populations (and their descendants) have median IQs of 100 or more. All the rest of the world is much lower -- averaging in the 80s -- including blacks and Hispanics. High median IQs easily explains the success of the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. White English-speakers invented political and economic freedom and have created the most successful, prosperous and orderly societies the world has ever seen. East Asians (and descendants) have created great cultures as well.
But black populations here and in Africa have the lowest median IQs in the entire world. And not surprisingly, black communities are a disaster of crime and murder, ignorance, disorder, dysfunction, poverty and misery. Conditions in most parts of Africa range from dreadful to "medieval" to even "prehistoric." Most African "cultures" here and there are in total cultural collapse. In the US, there is little logic, little intelligence, little impulse control in this low intelligence population. The average black adult has a much lower intellectual (and emotional) maturity corresponding to their lower median IQ of 84. It's very obvious, but you are forbidden to say publicly any of this.
Black make up 13.8% of the US population and represent a huge burden to the country. Not just this country, but to anyplace where they are a significant minority or majority.
White majorities will disappear in 40 years in the US and the US will see lower per-capita GDP, higher crime and a predominance of populist politicians that will bring the end to the greatest country on earth. It's happening very rapidly under Obama, our token black president. Him and every other black leader in the US would lead their country to 3rd world status.
The good news for quite a few US blacks that are responsible and reasonable (about 1/2 of them?) is that they can escape majority black communities and live among much more peaceful white and/or Hispanic communities. But the trainwreck of the black culture is not far away and can still strike out and ruin things even for those folks and everyone else. That's why if a few blacks move into your neighborhood, it's almost certain that crime will go up ---not from your neighbors -- but from their unsavory "friends"and associates. The black trainwreck affects even the good black folks. Even the bottom 25% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Republicans On Track to Lose the Most Important Election in 100 years--thanks to Industrial Strength Democrat/NGO/Dark Money/Chinese-Funded Ballot Manufacturing
Trump Can't Win Due to "Industrial Strength" Ballot Manufacturing in Battleground States from non-existent “Voters” in Walmarts, Strip malls, 7-11s, graveyards, vacant lots, closed businesses, Wawas and QT QuikShops.
These excerpts are all from data analysis experts in Austin Texas writing all the explanations you need at Omega4America’s Substack.
Trump Running Most Disciplined Campaign Ever - Until They Count The Ballots
Ever wonder why so many conservative talkers utter the same phrase - “the most disciplined campaign ever” to describe the Trump campaign?
Those of us deep in the data know exactly why - because the campaign is managing the narrative - while ignoring the voter fraud dynamics in the 7 swing states.
Want a little evidence?
Here are the numbers. On election day, Trump’s ballots and Biden’s will be counted. Maybe some for Kennedy, etc. Trump begins in each swing state with the following voter ballot fraud deficit:
Arizona 5%
Michigan 7%
Wisconsin 7%
Georgia 3%
Nevada 5%
Pennsylvania 8%
Visit our website and look at the videos - state after state - showing more ballots accumulating at Walmarts, 7-11s, gas stations and strip malls - than needed to swing any election.
So, tell me, dear reader, do you think Trump is going to “outrun” those deficits?….
The election will be won or lost in 7 swing states, 15 counties - we all know which. So, as a rational person, one would think that maybe, just maybe, the campaign would have built an organization in each such county. And one would be wrong. None is in place.
There is no organization that will be dealing with critical electoral issues in a key swing state - when they need to be addressed. Let’s take a look at one and give you some info on which to pass judgement:
In Wisconsin, there is a huge RINO contingent. RINOs are not Trumpists - in case you missed that.
The Wisconsin House is led by the Speaker, a guy named Robin Vos. His constituents love him so much, they just recalled him - but he remains in his post - as RINOs would. They are now recalling Vos again - that’s how much they hate this guy.
Here is how bad he is:
The current director is a Leftist chick who took great care in 2020 to make sure Trump did not get those electoral votes. Leftists were allowed to log on to the state system to add new voters - anyone want to guess who they voted for?
Try Googling articles about Megan Wolfe and read about election irregularities writ large - now in place for our pal Trump. Check out the Gableman Report for some details on how corrupt the Wisconsin election system was in 2020 - then ask what has changed for 2024.
This Leftist election commissioner’s term expired months ago.
If she were a Republican, she would have departed, after a nice dinner and some laudatory speeches. But she’s a Leftist so she didn’t leave - she hung around - AFTER HER TERM EXPIRED!
The legislature is Republican - obviously RINO, but at least not Leftist. They could have kicked her out and put in a Republican guy or another chick - who would run a fair election in 2024.
Robin Vos, our Speaker above - chose not to act - thus cementing in place a Leftist person in charge of the election commission - whose term expired - managing the votes that might choose the president, who is vehemently anti-Trump!
So in the critical swing state of Wisconsin, the RNC and the Trump Campaign did literally nothing to help remove the EXPIRED Leftist head of elections - thus making sure Trump starts the evening on November 5 with a 5% - 7% ballot fraud deficit in a critical swing state.
They did nothing to help the on-the-ground teams fighting to get Wolfe removed.
Disciplined campaign, remember?
You cannot make this stuff up.
What were these Trump “disciplined campaign” robots doing in those 60 days that was more important than handling this problem - which may put Wisconsin out of reach in 2024?
There is no ballot harvesting program on the planet - that can make up the harm a Leftist election commissioner will drop on Trump in November. But, as you know, our pals in the RNC, controlled by the Trump Campaign, are all about ballot harvesting, and registering new voters, and hiring 100,000 poll watchers to watch fake ballots get counted.
That’s discipline!
Compare this with Nebraska - another Republican state - where Charlie Kirk woke up one morning and saw a loose electoral ballot in Omaha that would go to Biden due to some ancient law. Kirk, alone, jumped on this one and rallied the state to action. Of course these are Republicans - so the action is yet to happen.
The RNC “urges the state to change the law.” Wow!
The law remains - that’s discipline!
If you want to see discipline in action, just watch the Nebraska Leftist blowback that has so far stopped Charlie Kirk’s valiant effort - in a super red state, to get this done.
Do you notice the difference between Leftist discipline and Republican discipline?
Trump’s team consists of operatives, managing all kinds of political stuff - but none where the opponents had a fraud machine in place to manufacture at least 5% of the ballots - if and when they needed them.
Trump Campaign and the RNC appear to have missed that Biden Air flys in
illegal aliens, intros them to NGOs, gives them gift cards, then
registers them to vote. So for whom are those ballots going too be cast
in Michigan and Wisconsin in 2024?. Keep reading here……..
Leftists Hire the RNC to Count Fake Ballots
Unfortunately, the Trump Campaign learned nothing from 2020 - and they are prepping to fight 1980’s voter fraud - not what killed them in 2020 and will again in 2024.
In an interview with Dan Bongino, Lara Trump was asked how the RNC was prepping to stop mail-in ballot fraud - something Bongino said was top of mind to his listeners.
Her reply, to anyone who knows anything about industrial scale, Leftist voter fraud was frightening: “We have poll watchers insuring all mail-in ballots are properly counted.”
Leftists must be jumping for joy in Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Phoenix - and a dozen other urban locations where phantoms have been stuffed - for decades - at gas stations, Walmarts and 7-11’s, Wawas and QT QuikShops.
Send in those real ballots, from thousands of ineligible locations and once they are in the system, the RNC will make sure they are counted! Great job, idiots!
Everything's Coming Up Trump - Until The Cheating Pros Show Up
Exerpts From Omega4America,
…..This is the single greatest U.S. election - measured in consequences - in 100 years….
There are 2 teams on the field - one is an All Pro, battle-tested, fully professional organization who electioneers for its life. They have been playing this game for a generation.
The other team is a bunch of well-intentioned amateurs, with great excitement, red hats, big rallies, whose most important characteristic is not offending anyone. When the amateurs do win an election, they work with the other team so nobody gets their hair messed up. Everyone gets a trophy.
When the Pros win, they shut down the amateurs, tell them to sit in a corner, and like it, and they shove massive new programs down the throat of a country that does not want them.
The Pros put the amateurs in prison. They send the FBI to their homes if they protest abortion issues. The Pros disbar lawyers for defending a client the Pros do not like. The Pros force social media to censor the amateurs.
Obamacare, open borders, legitimized street rioting, forced vaccinations, mutilating children’s genitals because a 9 year-old who thinks he may be a pirate, also thinks he is a girl.
Two teams have been on the field, every year since Abraham Lincoln, and in the last 40 years the reality of America is that such a paragraph can reasonably be asked and nobody raises an eyebrow.
Which team wins when it counts? Which team always moves its agenda forward - locks it into place, and moves onward? DEMOCRATS.
The 2024 election will be won or lost in 15 counties in 7 swing states. (and New Jersey isn’t one of them).
Remember, last time around the New Jersey Republican guy pretty much won the governor election - until the Pros showed up, the ballots were counted - all of them - like the ones at the last minute - and the Pros won. Of course they did.
The Republican didn’t say a word!
In each swing state, there are enough anomalous voters on the voter roll to aggregate to 5% - 7% of the vote. That does NOT include the newbies who flew in from countries south of Mexico, registered by NGOs - illegal aliens.
Those 7 swing states are run by Leftists, RINOs or spineless Republicans.
Those anomalous votes are the insurance policy in case the election is close. The Pros have them in place, living at mostly ineligible addresses - each of which we track, ready to pull the lever if needed - for Biden.
Just this week in Georgia, its election commission headlines were that nothing added up in Fulton County 2020 - ballot images are lost, duplicate ballot entries, oh my!
Anything happen to the Pros? Not a thing.
Their guy is in the White House, the borders remain open - salting the voter rolls for 2028 and 2032 - advanced planning. Republican governor, Republicans run the state, and as usual, the Left wins!
The Collossal Failure of 2024: The Phantom Voter
The phantom voter - provably 20% of the voting population in some states - remains on the 2024 voter rolls ready to do its duty - for Joe Biden.
Virtually no phantoms have been eliminated - although - in all 50 states, tens of thousands of patriotic citizens - did all they could to show the madness of having the guy living at the strip mall - as a registered, voting, voter.
Where phantoms were removed - by a court in rare instances, they were replaced 5-fold with new phantoms - who now are often, provably, illegal aliens.
We see it in the data.
In all of U.S. history, there are few if any examples of so many people, justly showing black and white fraud - and having absolutely nothing to show for it.
This failure occurred because the “election fraud narrative” never took hold - and with no support from elected officials, the phantoms remain on voter rolls - at scale………
……“Non-partisan” voter integrity groups, aligned with Republicans, continue to use useless relational technology that cannot find that Phineas lives at a Walmart.
Relational technology cannot discern that Jack 0’Donnell and Jack O’Donnell are the same person - just one of them, the former, uses a ZERO in his name instead of an “O,” it’s called a typo.
Nor can they cross search every NGO, 501C3, grant, foundation connected to Dark Money - the fuel that drives ALL voter fraud ballot mills - in one click from a phone.
Because they cannot challenge an “address type” because they have 1970’s technology - they miss the greatest opportunity to change the fraud narrative - and to impact 2024.
Phineas lives at an address that the property tax roll shows is a gas station. These voter integrity groups - raising millions for fat salaries - cannot make that simple argument - because they cannot cross search voter files with property tax records.
That the Chinese Cultural Association may be bringing in $26 million and quietly moving it to get-out-the-vote groups in Wisconsin is invisible to these national organizations - they don’t even look.
If you cannot tie every NGO and 501 C3 dollar from its source to final destination - you miss the most powerful means of driving change from elected officials and courts.
Thus, the narrative remains - there is no significant voter fraud, those who say so are crazies.
Yet, billions of Dark Money dollars flow like underground rivers - and nobody can see any of it - except us.
Republicans, for decades, promoted RINOs - who wanted to get along - at all costs. Well, in 2020 that bill came due.
Election systems in every swing state and many deep red states are hopelessly corrupt - and if you talk about it - you are shunned - or investigated.
The swing states - who will choose the next president - are currently working together - to stop Trump in 2024. Secretaries of State - collaborating - not to protect the vote but to undermine the election system…..
….We need to say it again - America has lost the electoral system. It is not fixable, it is lost.
Mass mail-in ballots, with no signature verification, no ID needed to vote - means you cannot manage that system honestly - nobody can, nobody will. Most of the swing states continue their slide out-of-reach for Republicans…..
……My friends, the argument about cleaning the voter rolls for 2024 is over. They are not getting cleaned.
They have not been cleaned. They contain from 7% to over 20% anomalous voters who are in place to handle any Biden deficit.
The charlatans selling cleaning voter rolls for 2024 are the national voter integrity orgs who make money selling that concept - knowing nothing of scale is possible in the time remaining…..
….These orgs have no technology to stop ballots going to ineligible addresses - because they cannot cross search property rolls - so they deny it’s a thing. They barely know an address doesn’t get mail - but knowing it is a gas station - is far beyond their reach.
The question is where do we go from here.
That choice comes in two categories - acquiesce or demonstrate in so conclusive a manner that the milquetoast Republicans in state legislatures must stand up.
We can demonstrate criminal corruption so massive - with proof so substantial - it cannot be denied.
Provide live, visible evidence of government/political party corruption so shocking, even soccer moms and the 70 year old shopper at Whole Foods, with Birkenstocks, reusable shopping bags and a gray pony tail demands action.
Demonstrate that our country is not being subverted only by the Left, it is being subverted by adversaries, who use the Left as the useful idiots - funding the Left’s takeover of all institutions - particularly elections.
Welcome to the NGO Database.
You need to see it!
Welcome to the continuing growth of the property tax record matching database.
The goal is to do two things to stop the steal in the 200 days left until the election.
First, stop mail-in ballots from going to ineligible addresses!!!!
Neither can be done by any of the national “non-partisan” voter integrity groups.
Here’s what we are demonstrating today, across virtually every 501 C3, foundation, grant, NGO - we are showing their connection to a vast network of tax free entities, operating in dark corners, with common directors, interconnected to avoid detection.
Their work may be illegal. It may be legal.
It is certainly fascinating when you can see it and you cannot see it because you cannot - with traditional technology - do recursion.
That means we take an entity, like our pals above at the Chinese Cultural Association with the $26 million.
Where did the dough originate? We trace it back to the source. What groups did the money go to? Perhaps 50 - in 2 years, the most recent a get-out-the-vote group in Madison, Wisconsin or Milwaukee.
Legal or not, nobody can see this stuff today.
Recursion - seeing every forward and backward connection - into a hundred layers - for 20 years - in every state - available at scale with quantum computer - finds thousands of these relationships and they are available - you guessed it - now - from your phone.
Do these 300 groups funding election stuff in Michigan share directors? Do they share addresses or phones? Do they share employees? Do they pass money both forward and backward? Who else do they fund? Are they within legal limits to keep their tax exempt status? Are they creating multiple entities - related by the same directors - to avoid showing they spend 99% of their dough on a political candidate?…..
……We are showing, in every swing state, live demonstrations of the unbelievable torrent of Dark Money, funding Leftist election-related groups - and as that narrative becomes public, we gleefully await those who say our data is wrong or we made it up.
We are showing official U.S. Government data, on official government forms, filed with official government agencies, signed by the officers of each NGO - under penalty of prison if they hide material info, hidden in plain sight for 20 years - because you cannot do recursion with relational technology.
So please do not email me saying we are not showing a way to move forward.
We are.
We are showing two in fact.
For 2024, forget cleaning voter rolls in time for the election. Too late. Only the grifter non-partisan voter integrity groups who have zero technology to identify that Phineas lives in a 7-11 are selling that junk.
Implement, today, an address-driven system to identify every address to which a ballot will be sent in 2024 - but not find an eligible recipient - and stop that ballot from being sent…..
Video: $1000’s of Millions of Chinese and Progressive Money Funding Leftist Traitors—All Invisible to all the current “Voter Integrity” Organizations:
Many more great articles detailing the heart of election fraud that continues to date in this country, go Omega4America’s Substack.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Biden Regime Massively 'Fluffing' Job Numbers
From Zerohedge:
Every aspect of the Federal Government is a complete fraud and sham of incompetence and malfeasance. The latest evidence is the May employment report.
First there is giant, yawning differences between what households say (in a monthly telephone survey) versus what employers say. It’s been a systemic lie for the entire “Biden” administration. Now, there is a 9 million job descrepancy in the two numbers; the biggest lie ever:
Some of that “padding” of the jobs number has been the 1.9 million fictious jobs from the fraudulent “birth/death” adjustment which continues to be used to blatantly inflate the job count:
Foreign Born Workers Getting ALL the Jobs: US-born Workers Losing Work
Refering to the figure just below, since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs! Aren’t our elected officials supposed to be working for Americans???
The Quality of Jobs Shifts to Part-Time from Full Time: Not Good
In the past year: 1.2 million full-time jobs have been lost, replaced by 1.5 million part time jobs.! That is NOT a good economy. In fact, it sucks.
And here is just May 2024 changes: more of the same as 625K full-time jobs were lost in one month, replaced by 286K part-time. BAD!
Bonus: The Illegal Alien Invasion Since the Start of the “Biden” Junta
Sorrow for our Youth Whose Lives Were Needlessly Snuffed-out by the MNRA "Vax"
This is a real and ordinary email conversation between Doug and Eddie, two conservative dudes chatting about our hurts and suffering:
Look how many have died because of getting VAXXED… Thousands and thousands have died. There is not a day that doesn’t go by, that another well-known individual Keels-Over, & goes belly up!!
A few things that these people have common.
1. All are 35 years of age, And younger…
2. All are in good shape. Very, very good shape.
3. None of them smoked.
4. They either didn’t drink, 🍺 Or, 🍹 they drank moderately…
So many times I have read article after article, where another sports figure that keels over…. And some of them are well known. And some of them not so much.
But many ARE well known on the local stage of the city, town, state they are from. Many articles I’ve read of young men, just getting their start in life right out of high school, or right, out of college, or still in college. And yet certain pro teams have their eye on them. And then unexpectedly, they go belly up.
I read an article just the other day about our young college female athlete that went belly up. She was another one of those that had to get vaxxed, or drop out of the gymnastics senior class they were in. Of course the parents are distraught, besides themselves, and they don’t have a clue what could be wrong with her. WHAT COULD IT BE??? What COULD it be?
But just from the tone of the article, and the fact that it happened in California, our UCLA student, soon to graduate in another year— I could tell, and the article screamed at me, that the young lady’s parents are dyed in the wool lefties…
Which is so extremely sad when I come across articles like this. Because her death will be in vain. Her death will never be investigated. Heaven forbid, her parents were never given the truth.
And even then, if somehow or another, an autopsy was court ordered (against the parents wishes), a young lady’s husband is going against her parents and ordering an autopsy…
Because her husband is obviously a commonsense conservative. But to the girl’s parents???? He is a far right lunatic… and you and I know the truth…. That they are the real lunatics. The trouble is though we now live in a country where the lunatics really are running the asylum. They control the news media. Be it print or news 🗞️ 📰
Sincerely, Eddie
Dear Eddie,
Very well said Eddie. 👏 I'm sick of the criminal abuse from criminals in power. And I'm sick of the incredibly brainwashed, gullible population who don't even have ONE OUNCE of common sense.
I've had it with the USSA. At this particular moment, I see ZERO reason to return there. Most of the people there are mentally ill and they don't even know it. I can see this much more clearly in comparison to the entirely sane and gentle culture here in Cambodia. There is a very real sense of community here.
It makes it clearer than ever that so much of the public "culture" is destroyed there and/or fully brainwashed.
From VERY EARLY IN THE COVID PANIC, it was known that the median age of those dying of Covid was 82 yo in Italy, 85 in Australia 83 yo in the UK (from memory) and virtually ZERO fatalities in virtually ALL young people.
Really, almost everyone younger than 50yo rarely died unless they were fat, had Vitamin D deficiency, or had serious disease, or comorbidities. THERE WAS NO REASON FOR NORMAL YOUNG PEOPLE TO EVER HAVE THAT EXPERIMENTAL MRNA SHOT.
So, those that continue to drop dead are crimes so horrible and entirely criminal that the perpetrators should be charged with mass deaths, CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE and we need NUREMBERG- LIKE TRIALS AND SUMMARY EXECUTIONS just like the Nazi propagandists and criminals.
Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution
From the amazing John and Nisha Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute
James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans.
How right he was.
Although Madison initially felt that the inclusion of a bill of rights in the originally ratified Constitution was unnecessary to its success, Thomas Jefferson persuaded him that “a bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, & what no just government should refuse, or rest on inferences.”
The Bill of Rights drafted by Madison—the first ten amendments to the Constitution—was a document so revolutionary at the time that it would come to be viewed as the epitome of American liberty. The rights of the people reflected in those ten amendments encapsulated much of Madison’s views about government, the corrupting influence of power, and the need for safeguards against tyranny.
Madison’s writings speak volumes to the present constitutional crisis in the country.
Read them and weep.
“The accumulation of all powers, Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” — James Madison
“The people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived.” — James Madison
“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” — James Madison
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” — James Madison
“Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.” — James Madison
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” — James Madison
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”— James Madison
In the years since the founders laid their lives on the line to pursue the dream of individual freedom and self-government, big government has grown bigger and the rights of the citizenry have grown smaller.
However, there are certain principles—principles that every American should know—which undergird the American system of government and form the basis of our freedoms.
The following seven principles are a good starting point for understanding what free government is really all about.
First, the maxim that power corrupts is an absolute truth. Realizing this, those who drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights held one principle sacrosanct: a distrust of all who hold governmental power. As James Madison proclaimed, “All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.” Moreover, in questions of power, Thomas Jefferson warned, “Let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” As such, those who drafted our founding documents would see today’s government as an out-of-control, unmanageable beast.
The second principle is that governments primarily exist to secure rights, an idea that is central to constitutionalism. In appointing the government as the guardian of the people’s rights, the people give it only certain, enumerated powers, which are laid out in a written constitution. The idea of a written constitution actualizes the two great themes of the Declaration of Independence: consent and protection of equal rights. Thus, the purpose of constitutionalism is to limit governmental power and ensure that the government performs its basic function: to preserve and protect our rights, especially our unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and our civil liberties. Unfortunately, the government today has discarded this principle and now sees itself as our master, not our servant. The obvious next step, unless we act soon, is tyranny.
The third principle revolves around the belief that no one is above the law, not even those who make the law. This is termed rule of law. Richard Nixon’s statement, “When the President does it, that means it is not illegal,” would have been an anathema to the Framers of the Constitution. If all people possess equal rights, the people who live under the laws must be allowed to participate in making those laws. By that same token, those who make the laws must live under the laws they make.
Fourth, separation of powers ensures that no single authority is entrusted with all the powers of government. People are not perfect, whether they are in government or out of it. As history makes clear, those in power tend to abuse it. The government is thus divided into three co-equal branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Placing all three powers in the same branch of government was considered the very definition of tyranny. The fact that the president today has dictatorial powers would have been considered an offense to every principle for which the Framers took their revolutionary stand.
Fifth, a system of checks and balances, essential if a constitutional government is to succeed, strengthens the separation of powers and prevents legislative despotism. Such checks and balances include dividing Congress into two houses, with different constituencies, term lengths, sizes and functions; granting the president a limited veto power over congressional legislation; and appointing an independent judiciary capable of reviewing ordinary legislation in light of the written Constitution, which is referred to as “judicial review.” The Framers feared that Congress could abuse its powers and potentially emerge as the tyrannous branch because it had the power to tax. But they did not anticipate the emergence of presidential powers as they have come to dominate modern government or the inordinate influence of corporate powers on governmental decision-making. Indeed, as recent academic studies now indicate, we are now ruled by a monied oligarchy that serves itself and not “we the people.”
Sixth, representation allows the people to have a voice in government by sending elected representatives to do their bidding while avoiding the need of each and every citizen to vote on every issue considered by government. In a country as large as the United States, it is not feasible to have direct participation in governmental affairs. Hence, we have a representative government. If the people don’t agree with how their representatives are conducting themselves, they can and should vote them out. However, as the citizenry has grown lazy and been distracted by the entertainment spectacles of modern society, government bureaucrats churn out numerous laws each year resulting in average citizens being rendered lawbreakers and jailed for what used to be considered normal behavior.
Finally, federalism is yet another constitutional device to limit the power of government by dividing power and, thus, preventing tyranny. In America, the levels of government generally break down into federal, state and local branches (which further divide into counties and towns or cities). Because local and particular interests differ from place to place, such interests are better handled at a more intimate level by local governments, not a bureaucratic national government. Remarking on the benefits of the American tradition of local self-government in the 1830s, the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed: “Local institutions are to liberty what primary schools are to science; they put it within the people’s reach; they teach people to appreciate its peaceful enjoyment and accustom them to make use of it. Without local institutions a nation may give itself a free government, but it has not got the spirit of liberty.”
These seven vital principles have been largely forgotten in recent years, obscured by the haze of a centralized government, a citizenry that no longer thinks analytically, and schools that don’t adequately teach our young people about their history and their rights.
Yet here’s the rub: while Americans wander about in their brainwashed states, their “government of the people, by the people and for the people” has largely been taken away from them.
The answer: get un-brainwashed.
Learn your rights.
Stand up for the founding principles.
Make your voice and your vote count for more than just political posturing.
Never cease to vociferously protest the erosion of your freedoms at the local and national level.
Most of all, do these things today.
If we wait until the votes have all been counted or hang our hopes on our particular candidate to win and fix what’s wrong with the country, “we the people” will continue to lose.
Whether we ever realize it not, the enemy is not across party lines, as they would have us believe. It has us surrounded on all sides.
Even so, we’re not yet defeated.
We could still overcome our oppressors if we cared enough to join forces and launch a militant nonviolent revolution—a people’s revolution that starts locally and trickles upwards—but that will take some doing.
It will mean turning our backs on the political jousting contests taking place at all levels of government and rejecting their appointed jesters as false prophets. It will mean not allowing ourselves to be corralled like cattle and branded with political labels that have no meaning anymore. It will mean recognizing that all the evils that surround us today—endless wars, drone strikes, invasive surveillance, militarized police, poverty, asset forfeiture schemes, overcriminalization, etc.—are not of our making but came about as a way to control and profit from us.
It will mean “voting with our feet” through sustained, mass civil disobedience.
Government Ruins Everything it Touches
This is a follow-up post to my post Government Ruins Everything: Universities Edition. This post covers EVERYTHING ELSE.
In the first graphic below, the government’s grimmy hands are ALL OVER THE THINGS MOST PRICE INFLATED (in red). Private enterprise, technology and offshoring US manufacturing to China and Asia has lowered prices for many/most consumer goods. But when government is involved… FUGETABOUTIT.
“Government” (Federal AND State) is/are the biggest spender(s) on Healthcare in the country: Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, Social Security, SS Disability, Veterans Affairs; all involve vast amounts of expenses PLUS fraud, waste, massive administration costs, theft, kick-backs to politicians, red tape. So all things “medical” are inflated to the moon: hospital costs, doctor costs, drug costs, any and all medical costs has been inflated by “government” spending exceeding consumer price inflation rates. And it doesn’t help that Americans are a bunch of fat fuckers and in poor shape and poor health!! Our poorest and dumbest are the most fat people in the world (except maybe Samoa) and they are SICK with diabetes, heart disease and cancer!!And “Government” is buying all of the high-priced pharmaceuticals drugs that are helping make medical costs rise to the moon. Worse, much of the high US drug prices are to offset MUCH LOWER drug prices OUTSIDE of the US FOR THE SAME DRUGS! Foreigners are enjoying low pharma costs thanks to the US public!
America, you are being duped in so many ways!
The 10 Most Expensive Brand Drugs in the U.S. (And Most Advertised….)
MONTHLY COSTS From July 2021 (Source: GoodRx from July 2021)
Humira $9,065
Cosentyx $8,907
Enbrel $8,717
Otezla $6,193
Dupixent $5,298
Biktarvy $4,083
Genvoya $4,061
Descovy $2,195
Tivicay $2,150
Latuda $1,604
Now you can see WHY there are Ads Everywhere on TV for these drugs. THEY’RE EXPENSIVE to the end consumer! They are expensive TO PAY FOR TV ADVERTISEMENTS to the FIVE Media comglomerates! Duh!
…And 70% of Heavily Advertised Drugs Have 'Low Therapeutic Value'
From a JAMA Study and ARS Technica:
You’re being sold expensive, heavily advertised products that have little therapeutic effect!
From ARSTechnica:
Of the top advertised drugs, 73 had at least one value rating. Collectively, pharmaceutical companies spent $22.3 billion on advertising for those 73 drugs between 2015 and 2021. Even with the generous ratings, 53 of the 73 drugs (roughly 73 percent) were categorized as low-benefit. Collectively, these low-benefit drugs accounted for $15.9 billion of the ad spending. The top three low-benefit drugs by dollar amount were Dulaglutide (type 2 diabetes) “Trulicity,” Varenicline (smoking cessation) “Chantix,” and Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) “Xeljianx.”
From the same JAMA Study:
Also see USNews; “Less Than a Third of Heavily Advertised Drugs Have 'High Therapeutic Value': Study”
Indiscriminate Federal Government Student Loans
The other category is that the biggest indiscriminate Loaner of US GOVERNMENT backed Student Loans, which are now being illegally forgiven by dubious “executive order” or “fiat corruption” of the Biden Junta FOR VOTE BUYING PURPOSES. THESE DEBTS ARE ADDED TO THE PUBLIC DEBT for which our child and grandchildren will have to pay. Yes, some Baby Boomers suck!
From my post Government Ruins Everything: Universities Edition:
The out-of-control, indiscriminate govt student loan fiasco has vastly inflated tuition costs, the cost of textbooks and inflated a vast, new, university administrative bloat of crazy-ass women/men and niggers-of-colors at these schools. Then they bring all these nigger "lecturers" who AFFLICT students with their bullshit/dumbass ideas.
The government student loan disaster has also allowed massive numbers of dumbass (mostly black) kids/hoodlums to be admitted to "colleges" that have been turned into glorified high schools to "accommodate" the dumb kids--many/most of the black/latino persuasion-- who should have never have even graduated high school!!
These kids go into debt so they take the glorified high-school-level (or lower) "gender studies" or "black studies" SO THAT THE UNIVERSITIES CAN 'CASH IN' all of that loan money! Then these "schools" hire even more idiot nigger administrators and on and on!
Obviously most of those indiscriminate loans, especially those given to minorities, WILL NEVER BE REPAID because these "college kids" aren't college material and weren't even performing at the high school level. Yes, they MIGHT even get a "degree" but are un-employable; especially in our hollowed-out economy that has also been destroyed by "government."
Zero interest rates was a fiasco pursued irresponsibly by the US Government
The US Federal Reserve and “Government” are loaded up with debt and have created crisis after crisis OF THEIR OWN MAKING and resulted in an extended and UNPRECEDENTED period of zero interest rates.
In 5000 years of human history, every civilization knew to maintain positive interest rates as market rates. Then, suddenly, thousands of US-educated Ph.D. students, many "working” (watching porn) at the Federal Reserve making $100K+ per annum wages, decided that they had a better idea: zero interest rates for like 12 years running.
So, after 5000 years of experience, these idiots like JANET YELLEN, decide to override all of human economic history and experience with their idiocy. THAT’S A SPECIAL TYPE OF DUMB!! And they ARE dumb!, stupid!, idiots! And ignoramus Yellen has been PROMOTED to head the US Treasury! All of the people in the Biden Junta are massively stupid and/or corrupt.
Of course the housing market went ballistic in price TRIPLING THE COST OF HOMES IN ONLY 20 YEARS. I didn’t spend a long time to calculate the average rate of housing inflation over the past 22 years, but it looks something like 8 or 9% INFLATION PER ANNUM.
![]() |
Government Caused This |
Of course this leaves the next and EVERY OTHER generation PRICED-OUT of family or even condo/apt housing because wage growth is nowhere near 8%. Great job Janet “Idiot” Yellen!! You stupid schoolmarmish bitch!
And there’s no place to hide as rent inflation has soared. Rent was $71 per month in 1960, now, in 2024 it’s $2000 !! It sounds like hyperinflation to me.
![]() |
Rental costs up until Sept 2023. Rent in 1960 was $100 or less. GOVERNMENT CAUSED THIS. |
Food prices have soared since the Government-sponsored/Fauci Covid "Plandemic” and $6 or $7 TRILLION of government handouts in 2020 to 2022: Below, shows the rapid rise of Food prices.
Government CAUSES This
I’m fatigued. I think you’ve got the picture. GOVERNMENT IS NOW
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Insane Biden Bolshevik's Plan to Use Hot War with Russia to Retain Power
From Revolver:
The entirely insane Biden “administration” is willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to “win” the next election. Their “thinking” is that they will be re-elected during a time of international war.

From Revolver:
So, why is this happening? Simple: because Joe Biden is a political relic from a time when Americans could be duped into cheering for pointless foreign wars and rallying behind leaders, afriad to make a “change” during “righteous” conflict. That’s how Biden’s out-of-touch regime still thinks Americans will react in 2024.
In addition, as outlandish as it might seem, the threat of nuclear war could ironically pave the way for a massive resurgence of mail-in voting, and we all know how that worked out for Democrats last time, right? It’s time for Americans to wake up and see what’s really happening as we approach the next election with our eyes wide open to all the horrific possibilities that are on the table and what this regime, desperate to hold onto power, is willing to do.
Friday, June 7, 2024
When is ENOUGH? Sham Imprisonment and Abuse of "J6" Prisoners, Alex Jones Attacked, Now Bannon, Navarro Imprisoned and Next is Trump! THEN YOU!
From Paul Craig Roberts:
Day by day it is becoming more difficult and more risky to provide information that differs from the official narratives. Websites are finding that payment mechanisms, such as PayPal and Stripe, and banks refuse to process donations to their sites. Others, such as Vdare are being driven into bankruptcy by quota hire NY prosecutors. Alex Jones’ operation is again under assault. Tucker Carlson was driven from Fox News. Google increasingly hides unwelcome information.
And now we witness a former US Marine, intelligence officer, and UN weapons inspector pulled off an international flight and his passport stolen by police “on orders by the US Department of State.” Scott Ritter was on his way to Russia to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Ritter is an active source of what the conflict in Ukraine is really about and how it is widening into a wider and more dangerous conflict. Being yanked off a flight and his passport taken is the Biden regime’s way of sending him a message to get onboard with the narrative.
Note that the State Department’s orders to the police are unconstitutional and probably illegal. The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects freedom of speech, press, and assembly and the Fourth Amendment prevents unreasonable searches and seizures. It has become a hallmark of the US government to act as it pleases regardless of the US Constitution. The Constitution stands as a barrier to weaponized law. Therefore, the Constitution is ignored.
In today’s America coercion rules not only from government but also from corporations, universities, public schools, media, foundations such as Clooney’s which has undertaken the suppression of those who provide truthful accounts on the Russian front. Use the wrong pronoun, refuse to take the Covid vax, promote too many white people and your employer fires you. Universities and public schools are anti-white indoctrination centers. Parents who complain at school board meetings about their kids being taught that they are racists and born into the wrong body are put on FBI watch lists. We’ve found out that just being a Catholic is “suspect” by the TRAITOR REGIME. Trump supporters who attended a rally are imprisoned as “insurrectionists.” The media protects official lies by demonizing truth-tellers. Attorneys are becoming afraid to defend a demonized defendant. The message has been delivered loud and clear that a person’s success depends on his support for the official narratives. We have reached the point where speaking the truth is beginning to be criminalized. [Doug here: Welcome to the New Soviet Union IN AMERICA!]
It is certainly the case that telling the truth and providing analysis based on facts is no way to make a living. Indeed, it marginalizes you. I used to write editorials for the Wall Street Journal and had a prominent column. Today my former newspaper is off limits to me, as is the rest of the TV and print media. Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, Tucker Carlson have been exiled from official media. [Doug here: Glenn Greenwald lives in Brazil for instance for obvious reasons. Assange languishes in prison until death.]
Justice has disappeared from the United States. No defendant, innocent or guilty, believes it is possible to be tried fairly in an American court. This is why 97% of defendants self-incriminate with a “plea bargain” to avoid the severe risks of trial. Jurors no longer comprehend that their function is to protect law as a shield of the people, not to validate its use as a weapon in the hands of the state.
That President Trump is facing four criminal indictments and four civil trials simultaneously is proof that no American is safe.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Dear Readers, Please Take a Minute and Adjust Your Gulfcoastcommentary Bookmark
Since this blog has been on Google Blogger for 12+ years, mnay people are quite accustomed to this link.
But since Google has a spotty record on free speech, and several of my posts have been hacked and erased, I HAVE ALREADY IMPORTED MY ENTIRE BLOG HISTORY TO Substack. For the time being, I've been double-posting my new posts on Substack AND Google, which creates extra work for me.
Also subscribe to Substack and you'll get new posts by email, which Google blogger has phased-out automatic emailing of posts to readers.
Please note that the commenting section on Substack is much better and convenient than Blogger and I get notified of each new comment and reply which should enable better conversations in the comment section. PLUS Substack is an amazing oasis of free speech and fresh ideas. It's a veritable garden of creativity and fresh thought! It's the new best thing! You'll get notices of new posts and you'll also find other conservative writers there. I highly recommend it.
So here's your current bookmark:
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Soon, you'll be thanking me (I hope). Do it now so you don't forget.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Neil Oliver Explains the Nature of the Evil That We Face
Rough Transcript by Doug:
As things stand at the moment we owe it to ourselves to be of good cheer. I say this to you with all sincerity fellow Travelers, be of good cheer in the hope that we're finally witnessing the end of all that's wrong in the world, and it won't be pretty--this ending of all that's wrong--- on the contrary, it will be ugly there's no getting away from it.
You have to face up to it. But it has to happen. It's a process through which we have to go and once the ending is over there will be of course a beginning, a new beginning. And we can definitely, if we if we are minded so to do, we can see the beginning of the ending now. And it's revealed by the fact the target of the dying last moves of the perpetrators of all that's wrong is finally our children. In the UK, the enemy, and that's my short hand for the perpetators of all that's wrong in the UK, the enemy talks about bringing back national service.
That's how they couch it, cuz you know people who remember watching Dad's Army and the like and and so on and so on and who have parents or grandparents who perform national service uh it's an iron fist in a velvet glove and, in the present context, on account of those who are in charge, it's the on ramp to the motorway heading towards conscription--conscription of our children into forever Wars.
And we needed to see this final revelation because it reveals the enemy's ugliest face. Those who would control the world always Target the children sooner or later-- it's inevitable. If you're anti-human and the perpetrators of all that's wrong are anti-human to their core, then you desire and require nothing less than the death of the family which means the death of the children --the actual death of children. It's obvious now in every way and if enough of us hold the line in defiance and in open contempt of all the old tricks; old tricks being played one last time, then we can be rid of our tribulations once and for all.
It wasn't me actually it was Trudy saw was walk past a newsstand and she saw a headline on one of the UK papers: "national service will toughen up British teenagers to face increasingly dangerous world." It was in The Daily Express I believe this very week uh and the Daily Express is not by any means the worst of the foul drags but it's nonetheless illustrative of the terminal decline of the enemy
The emptiness of the adversary we face it's complete lack of any sound substance of its own leaves it no option but to wrap itself, to cloak itself, to disguise itself with the garments of another since it's the antithesis of Life and Humanity-- what it means to be human and alive--- the enemy needs to pretend at all times to be something else --needs to disguise its true nature. Now national service; is a call for volunteers and service is right enough --there's nothing wrong with it when it comes from a good and honest place or when it invites the following of a good example set by benign leaders, benign Shepherds, you know where you're in circumstances that the leaders are good and dedicated to the well-being of good people then the call for service might be positive and productive. But don't be fooled by the headlines now. What we are seeing is the antithesis of all that's good and right. The enemy hiding its anti-human nature, its anti-human Reality, by seeking to imitate all that it is not and that it can never be.
So see this pathetic, terminal behavior for what it is. And as I say thereby Endeavor to be of good cheer because before the adversary falls once and for all it must and will manifest its very worst self.
Before we can be rid of it, we have to see it clearly and that time that opportunity is before us now. I would say be ready for the Servants of the adversary; the ventriloquist's dummies, to line up and trumpet whatever desperate nonsense is seen to be required and and urging support for that nonsense. So be ready for more headlines and be ready for more hollow empty sock-puppets taking their turn one after another behind whichever Podium to pretend their Master's moves are well intentioned.
As part of the increasingly desperate efforts towards diversion and distraction, there will surely be more false flag events as well. So that I predict we will see more terrible things before it's over. False flag atrocities have presaged War throughout history--wounds deliberately self-inflicted or or else planned and executed by others and not prevented when the consequences suit evil intentions all around.
Some of those false flags of the past that strike me are the sinking of the USS Maine before the Spanish American War, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand before the Great War, the first World War. The attack on Pearl Harbor before World War II. It's widely conceded that that that attack was had been planned and was coming was well known uh but nothing was done to stop it.
Sometimes the evil in question is committed so as to make convenient the pointing of fingers at whomever the adversary might attack next, say Iraq and always and only for their own ends. Other times likely atrocities are detected in advance but they're allowed to happen if the dreadful consequences might be exploited. And once you learn to spot false Flags you might join other dots to correctly identify many more because false flags are set up against again and again. Innocent people have died before and more innocent people will die again --because false flags are tricks that work.
False flags are the stock in trade of the adversary and he will have spectacular atrocities in mind. I'm quite sure. Horrors shaped to frighten the gullible into accepting any offer of protection— even the protection of the erstwhile "tormentor." which is the adversary. A bad boy did it and he ran away --that would be the the horrified headlines in the aftermath of whatever happens. And you know we'll be told to be safe from more of it that it's necessary to accept digital IDs, Central Bank digital currencies, social credit scores, even more surveillance, limiting of energy, limiting of food, limiting of travel -- all for our own good. But anyone with any sense however will not gather in that shadow cast by the Tormentor but will choose to find the light instead.
I say the adversary is falling like a tree-- all but cut through at the base---and finally hurt beyond survival by self-inflicted wounds. The enemy of all that's good, all that we might be and all that we might enjoy-- that enemy is angry and frightened and angry and frightened as never before on account of those wounds. And in the way like wounded Predators, it's lashing out at the most vulnerable. And so as I said at the top it's the youngest Generations that are in the crosshairs.
The Forever Wars already being waged and those that will come along in time unless enough of us spot the tricks and say no to them--- and mean NO---then those forever Wars will be the inevitable destination for the Children's Crusade that I predict to be called for by the false prophets.
The adversary we face is capable only of death and destruction. Every time the adversary gets his way, it's ordinary people that pay the price; black, white and brown Christian Muslim and Jew-- whoever. The intention once more is to set the same creeds against the same creeds, the same people against the same people. And even were the adversary to get his way once more and make more smoking rubble and more piles of dead, nothing at all will be raised in the aftermath.
The adversary is incapable of creativity, incapable of positivity or of optimism, incapable of all that is life and that which makes life worth living, and this is why we are surrounded by death, decline and decay ---moral decay, infrastructure decay, you name it, war and chaos, the general rendering of all into rubble— all that we see in other parts of the world. And this will keep happening until we see what is obvious and take the steps to be rid of it.
Here's the thing, I say that when you you get right down to it the adversary is empty. In the end in spite of all the chaos caused the enemy is just pissing in the wind in the end there's nothing there-- it's an empty void. I furthermore say the enemy is weaker now than it has ever been. It's more exposed than it's ever been and therefore likely for some time to come to be more destructive and meddlesome than it has ever been.
But if enough of us hold the line now, and by so doing encourage others, to waken up and do likewise then the enemy is going down not today, not tomorrow, but in the end the enemy is going down!